o/t Terrorist threat in London

ha, you might be afraid, but not as afraid as the 98% of muslims out there who actually follow their religion and dont have anything to do with the terrorists........ for them, they're just following their...very peaceful faith, yet the whole world is turning against them, just cos they share the name of a religion with whackos, but nothing like the same beliefs

i'd rather get rid of everyone who believes in religion, fucking idiots :) haha .... "my gods better"...."no mine is !!"...."mines some sort of fucked up elephant dude "!......"hey i've got a man with a dogs head" there are no answers to this shit, you can defend your beliefs, you can defend muslims, theres defense for terrorism too...i think we are better off just not knowing this shit.....u might be dead tommorrow u might not, fuck it....i'v survived sars n bird flu so far, not bad.

i'm off to listen to p.e. .....dont believe the hype
If the rest of the Muslims, you know, the law abiding ones, are so against the whackjobs - why aren't they doing anything to stop them? They were quick enough to organise marches when someone drew a crappy cartoon of some guy they worship, how come they aren't organising marches to stop their "brothers" blowing up fucking planes?
Because a large percentage of them AGREE with what they're doing, the opinion polls prove that fact.

So please don't tell me it's only the fault of the extremists. They are being supported by their whole community.
If they don't like our country, and they wont fuck off to one they DO like - we should forcibly fucking remove them.
Stormwatch said:
If the rest of the Muslims, you know, the law abiding ones, are so against the whackjobs - why aren't they doing anything to stop them? They were quick enough to organise marches when someone drew a crappy cartoon of some guy they worship, how come they aren't organising marches to stop their "brothers" blowing up fucking planes?
Because a large percentage of them AGREE with what they're doing, the opinion polls prove that fact.

So please don't tell me it's only the fault of the extremists. They are being supported by their whole community.
If they don't like our country, and they wont fuck off to one they DO like - we should forcibly fucking remove them.

Well, I guess, they're not doing anything for the same reason you and I are doing nothing about a lot of shit in our back-yard: corrupt politicians, pollution, street gangs, drug abuse, police brutality, Anthrax reunion... People tend to mind their own business and think that something happening to others is not their problem. That's what Israelis are trying to prove to Lebanese: that they can't just sit and drink coffee on a sidewalk while Hizbollah's launching another missile, or sending another suicider.
Well, I guess, they're not doing anything for the same reason you and I are doing nothing about a lot of shit in our back-yard: corrupt politicians, pollution, street gangs, drug abuse, police brutality, Anthrax reunion... People tend to mind their own business and think that something happening to others is not their problem. That's what Israelis are trying to prove to Lebanese: that they can't just sit and drink coffee on a sidewalk while Hizbollah's launching another missile, or sending another suicider.

Yes I accept your point and I have to say you're correct. However, the Muslims held mass marches to protest against those stupid little cartoons. I mean CARTOONS FFS, they managed to organise protests all over Europe to whinge about that.
Yet they can't protest against their Muslim brethren trying to blow up 5000 innocent civilians flying to the USA for a fucking summer holiday. THAT'S what gets me the most, the majority of Muslims seem to be happy about what's going on, and they admit they wouldn't hand another Muslim over to the police evn if they KNEW they were a terrorist.
Sorry, that's not integration, that's them dividing themselves into "us and them".
Stormwatch said:
Yes I accept your point and I have to say you're correct. However, the Muslims held mass marches to protest against those stupid little cartoons. I mean CARTOONS FFS, they managed to organise protests all over Europe to whinge about that.
Yet they can't protest against their Muslim brethren trying to blow up 5000 innocent civilians flying to the USA for a fucking summer holiday. THAT'S what gets me the most, the majority of Muslims seem to be happy about what's going on, and they admit they wouldn't hand another Muslim over to the police evn if they KNEW they were a terrorist.
Sorry, that's not integration, that's them dividing themselves into "us and them".
I think they know full well that thier "Muslem brethren" would think nothing of opening fire on thier little protests.
DumbAss said:
I think they know full well that thier "Muslem brethren" would think nothing of opening fire on thier little protests.

Don't be ridiculous. Why do people continue to make excuses for these people?! What will it take before the non-Muslims finally stand up for themselves over this nonsense? I'm not talking about starting a war, or smashing up the local corner shop BTW, just speaking out against this instead of being so politically correct.
Stormwatch said:
If you want to call me a bigot because I'm afraid to get on a plane with Muslims then that's your prerogative. If you ever get a flight and have to sit next to wide eyed, slightly twitchy Pakistani looking man with unusual looking hand luggage I hope you remember you called me a bigot.

The simple fact is - Muslims ARE blowing up Westerners. I am afraid. I would like to make things safer for me and my family.
If that makes me a bigot, I'm a bigot.

Why not just lie in the road and wait for a car to drive over you knucklehead? Defending Muslim's amounts to the same thing.

Ive looked at alot of your posts on other forums, and you just provide completely shit input and have strong but ignorant views and dont think about things. Your pretty much a laughing stock, grow up. dick.
affinityband said:
Ive looked at alot of your posts on other forums, and you just provide completely shit input and have strong but ignorant views and dont think about things. Your pretty much a laughing stock, grow up. dick.

Ha ha, I have a personal stalker from the Opeth board! :rock:
You're just mad because I told you your band was shit. :lol:
Stormwatch said:
Ha ha, I have a personal stalker from the Opeth board! :rock:
You're just mad because I told you your band was shit. :lol:

rofl it doesnt matter if my band are shit. I dont look up the others posts, just cuz they dont like my music. just did it to see if im right about the posts as of late being totally outrageous.
affinityband said:
rofl it doesnt matter if my band are shit. I dont look up the others posts, just cuz they dont like my music. just did it to see if im right about the posts as of late being totally outrageous.

My posts are always stupid and outrageous. So what if I'm a dick? If we were all as boring as you the forums would be dead.
Stormwatch said:
Don't be ridiculous. Why do people continue to make excuses for these people?! What will it take before the non-Muslims finally stand up for themselves over this nonsense? I'm not talking about starting a war, or smashing up the local corner shop BTW, just speaking out against this instead of being so politically correct.
There's nothing politically correct or incorrect about what I said.... I'm just saying that's why they don't uprise.... 'cause they know they will be fucking killed. That's about as good a reason as any.
The US of "A-holes" and their friends in Britain and Israel are causing just as much shit around the world as anybody eles, but they are heros right?
DumbAss said:
There's nothing politically correct or incorrect about what I said.... I'm just saying that's why they don't uprise.... 'cause they know they will be fucking killed. That's about as good a reason as any.
The US of "A-holes" and their friends in Britain and Israel are causing just as much shit around the world as anybody eles, but they are heros right?

Causing, or reacting? What came first here? Islam's crusade against the west began in the 600's AD when Islam was founded, and conquered eastern Europe and went as far as conquering Spain. That's BEFORE America existed. In India, they blame the Hindus while bombing. In Southeast Asia, they blame the Aussies. Israel and the US are just excuses.

The problem are the moderate Muslims, who stand by, do nothing, and only passiavely condemn terrorism when put on the spot over it. Reform will have to come from within just like it did with Christianity when Christianity finally pulled itself out of the dark ages.

It's called the Caliphate, and is basically Islam's "manifest destiny" to spread out over the world and rehsape it in Allah's image. Until the Caliphate is put down, terrorists can't be stopped because you can't fight a idea.
3Storms said:
Causing, or reacting? What came first here? Islam's crusade against the west because in the 600's AD when Islam was founded, and conquered eastern Europe and went as far as conquering Spain. That's BEFORE America existed. In India, they blame the Hindus while bombing. In Southeast Asia, they blame the Aussies. Israel and the US are just excuses.

The problem are the moderate Muslims, who stand by, do nothing, and only passiavely condemn terrorism when put on the spot over it. Reform will have to come from within just like it did with Christianity when Christianity finally pulled itself out of the dark ages.

It's called the Caliphate, and is basically Islam's "manifest destiny" to spread out over the world and rehsape it in Allah's image. Until the Caliphate is put down, terrorists can't be stopped because you can't fight a idea.

You are my Mohammed. :rock:

DumbAss, I'm not saying the USA or Uk governments are heroes and I dont see where the fuck you got that idea from in the first place. I personally never voted for Labour at the last election, so dont blame me that Blair is in power. I don't think our forces should be in Iraq, or anywhere else. If these fuckers want to torture and kill each other, let them - it's none of our business.
I won't be voting Labour next time either, I'll be voting for the ONLY party that will actually DO anything about these bastards.
remington69 said:

What about all the black Muslims? Like Dave Chapelle? And Hakeem Olajuwon? Should we not let them on the plane?

Dave Chapelle is funny so he's ok.
Stormwatch said:
If you want to call me a bigot because I'm afraid to get on a plane with Muslims then that's your prerogative. If you ever get a flight and have to sit next to wide eyed, slightly twitchy Pakistani looking man with unusual looking hand luggage I hope you remember you called me a bigot.

The simple fact is - Muslims ARE blowing up Westerners. I am afraid. I would like to make things safer for me and my family.
If that makes me a bigot, I'm a bigot.

Why not just lie in the road and wait for a car to drive over you knucklehead? Defending Muslim's amounts to the same thing.

What if Timothy McVeigh, Jeffrey Dahmer, or Hitler sat next to you? Do you automatically assume all white anglo christians are killers as well? I'm guessing not, becuase they look like you, it's less easy.
3Storms said:
Causing, or reacting? What came first here? Islam's crusade against the west began in the 600's AD when Islam was founded, and conquered eastern Europe and went as far as conquering Spain. That's BEFORE America existed. In India, they blame the Hindus while bombing. In Southeast Asia, they blame the Aussies. Israel and the US are just excuses.

The problem are the moderate Muslims, who stand by, do nothing, and only passiavely condemn terrorism when put on the spot over it. Reform will have to come from within just like it did with Christianity when Christianity finally pulled itself out of the dark ages.

It's called the Caliphate, and is basically Islam's "manifest destiny" to spread out over the world and rehsape it in Allah's image. Until the Caliphate is put down, terrorists can't be stopped because you can't fight a idea.

I agree with alot of what you're saying, and I actually agree with SOME of the stuff that Stormwatch has mentioned... I just find it too easy for us to say things like "The problem are the moderate Muslims, who stand by, do nothing" from the comfort of our computer chairs, while those poor bastards can get thier heads chopped off for doing just that.