Uh oh

DarrellDethSDMF said:
Aahh, monkeys! Everytime someone mentions monkeys, I instantly think of the video where a monkey puts his finger in his ass, then smells it and falls off a tree! Monkeys rule!

DarbysDad said:
I wonder if BJ and the Bear were in on this one.

OMG... that show. Memories...

Anthrax should cover that show's tune.

"I'm BJ Mackay and this is my best friend, Bear."
Arg_Hamster said:
Besides being nasty rapists and bullies, chimps also seem to lack any mental restrictions against incest unlike gorillas and humans (not including people from Gällivare, Turkey, Syria and Alabama).

Alabama kid brings his girlfriend home to meet his parents. She's a beautiful 15 year old, virgin, smart, funny.
"Dad, she's so smart, funny, 15, and a virgin too."
Father grabs the girl, shoves her outside and slams the door on her.
"If she's not good enough for her family, she's not good enough for ours."
remington69 said:
Sure, they're all cute when wearing human clothes are costarring with Matt LeBlanc in movies, but chimps are nasty little fuckers in the wild. If you ever watch the Life of Mammals documentary on the primates, you'll see a gang of chimps attacking a group of monkeys and eating all the sick and the young. They commit violence against other chimps, and have known to "rape" females.

I remember you posting something about that a year or so ago. I have since seen that and it is pretty fucked up! They way the hunt at night with runners pushing the "victim to be" toward already known routes of escape that backers are closing in on. While a scout above barks out if things go SNAFU and only then it's a matter of time or make it back to its tribe. Holy shit:guh: