uhhh am I on the hook for Valentine's Day?

Man why is it that people are so crazy on this "holiday"? All of my single friends were either irrationally bitchy or angry at everything. Does being single really effect people this much? My friends in relationships were all going nuts trying to think of what to get their significant other. To me it was just Tuesday, and an awesome one at that, I went to see Coliseum at North 6 and they ruled.
Fuck scientology! And fuck Valetine's Day.

p.s: Thats a careless fuck not an angry fuck except the one before scientology, because I hate it and any organized religion for that matter, but thats something else entirely.

p.s.s: Has anyone here read Conversations With God?
You know what Greg? You're glib, that's what. Do you even know the history of psychology? Or Scientology?

No, I'm sorry, that's because you are glib.