UK alternatives to Ebtechs Hum-X Device? Ground loops from hell.


Im guybrush threepwood
Jun 16, 2004
Bristol, United Kingdom
Hi guys,

Any of you aware of a cheap ground loop filter at the power socket (UK)? Im having some nasty ground loop issues again at the mo, and looking to grab one of these. I suspect i've got a combination of horrible power and ground loops going on at the moment. I have an old ebtech hum eliminator i chain in sometimes, and that works an absolute treat, I just have a feeling at the moment that it is all starting at the power source itself.



Anyone aware of any cheaper product alternatives than the ebtech range? Something tells me that this should be a simpler solution to solve with a circuit than shelling out 100 squids :D (although i must say, silence is golden, and I really dont give a damn at the moment about cost!)