Awesome pics people!! I certainly agree that this time round was MUCH better because the lack of people and no security telling everyone to move on, except for the annoying staff asking to "keep this area clear", yet the silly cunt even went and got a stool so she could take pics and then went and lined up to say Hi, and then came back moaning at everyone. I should have pushed her off.
Anyway, I was the guy in the leather jacket with the skulls on, Hate Me! t-shirt and listening to my iPod, I was 10th in line. I couldn't believe how dead it was when I got there.
I got through them all pretty quickly but then stayed for the whole thing, just taking pics. When they got up and left, they put their pens down and left stuff I walked up to the table, took Alexi's bottle of Beck's beer and walked off and drank the rest of it in the subway, on my way to Hammersmith!!

The asshole security in the Apollo took it and threw it though because it was glass and "it's a weapon, man". So I didn't get to take it home, but I did come out after COB played to see if I could find it, but they'd probably thrown that bag, but still, that green bottle infront of him in some of Sleeper's pics was what I took. But since I lost Alexi's bottle, I managed to get a plastic water bottle thrown from MICK THOMPSON 7#!!!! He's been fucking awesome to me for like 5 years and was the inspiration for my BC Rich Warlock. So owning two bottles from the only two people there that I'd actually care about having something from, fucking awesome day.
I took all my pics in 1000x pixels because the quality is a tiny bit higher, so they might come out a bit large.
Children Of Bodom:
Henkka & Jaska:
Alexi & Roope:
Jaska & Janne:
Alexi & Roope:
Alexi, Roope & me \m/:
Jaska & Janne:
Alexi signing a guy's head:
Alexi & Roope:
Henkka signing a guitar: