UK Signings


New Metal Member
Oct 11, 2010
OK im very glad that COB decided to another Uk signing after they done one for the blooddrunk tour. However, im very dissapointed its in nottingham and not london :( :( , London will be their biggest show and i would have loved to go and grab one of those 7" vinyls. Otherwise lookin at £60 + to get to nottingham :\
Im sure 99% of you trolls dont give a shit, but if any of the legends are reading this . . . . London wants ya :P
Well i would love that :P,
but dont know anyone in nottingham :\

p.s. if anyone is going i would appreciate it :P :P
I was a little gutted about that too, I'd have wanted another Manchester signing session though!
Oooh i'm glad I go to Uni in Nott's! And I managed to get a lift down to the London signing :)
Gonna try get down to this signing before the gig if i've got time..

If only i'd seen this post before now! But i'm sure you can get a train from London to Nott's for like £30 quid though???
Well they've done at least 2 London signings that I'm aware of so I guess it's only fair that fans in other parts of the country get a chance to meet them too. Besides, I never know what to say! :err:
Just hoping that a Certain Person will get me a single!..... ;)
I went to see them in London a few years back and I live in Nottingham... basically, if you love them that much, make the effort to see them.
^ LOL, I would if I could, but I love someone else even more! :p
See, now is that going too far the other way from being an "Super-fanatic"? :muahaha:
IDK, but IDK any other CoB fans so am more inclined to go see my other fave band & hang with the devils I know, than go to dates that would involve solo long-distance travel & scariness etc.........:o
Can't wait for London. Would prob. have gone to more if it weren't for the clash of interests, & this is just my entertainment, not my job - I'd hate to be Spinefarm..... :p;):tickled:
Man i would LOVE to go up to nottingham but i live on the isle of wight and will cost roughly £80 just for the train :\ , therefore cant realy afford dat :(
Anyways, IF anyone is going to the nottingham signing and would love to be a saint and grab me a signed copy or even an unsigned copy i would certainly pay for it :)
Compaired to the queue at the London signing I went to, yesterdays queue was well shorter! Only waited just over an hour aswell :)
If anyone wants their signed Vinyl ill probably sell it on ebay one day ;] haha
though i did smudge a little of one signature.. :( what an idiot.