Ulcerate - Everything Is Fire


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Ulcerate – Everything Is Fire
Willowtip Records – WT-069 – 7 April 2009
By Jason Jordan


Even with a couple line-up changes since 2007 Neurotic effort Of Fracture and Failure, the premise of New Zealand’s Ulcerate remains largely the same: foreboding, technical death metal. To call this quartet über-talented would be a disservice as Everything Is Fire is a showcase of the highest degree of musicianship. Of course when one considers that the Willowtip roster contains many other bands of a similar caliber, that’s no surprise. However, in spite of this record’s positive qualities, and in accordance with my chief complaint about most tech death, I think EIF comes up short when I actually try to specifically recall the songs. As a result, the replay value suffers, although I am able to remember the general atmosphere and the mood it evokes.

Regardless, in the moment, Ulcerate can do no wrong. From the intricate, death-laden passages to the occasional, low-key downtrodden sections, this is an all-around enjoyable piece of work. Also, they rarely let up on the pace, preferring to batter their audience with a high intensity assault. Like the wherewithal it requires to write and perform this music, the listener has the daunting task of fully absorbing it. In other words, this is not easy listening. One has to devote undivided attention to Everything Is Fire to grasp its essence. And be prepared for a dark journey. I mean, with song titles such as ‘We Are Nil’, ‘Withered and Obsolete’, and ‘Soullessness Embraced’, you know what you’re getting into. Particularly devastating is the eight-minute title track, which brings the proceedings to a fitting end.

If your collection boasts other Willowtip technical outfits, the latest from Ulcerate is a no-brainer. As for 2009 complex offerings, I prefer Centaurus-A’s Side Effects Expected and Obscura’s Cosmogenesis, but Everything Is Fire comes in at a close third. And hey, the bronze is nothing to be ashamed of.

Official Ulcerate Website
Official Ulcerate MySpace
Official Willowtip Records Website