Ultimate Ears artist and headphone amp advice


Apr 11, 2006
Very stoked to say that a while back, I was approached by Ultimate Ears with a contract to start working together with me representing them as a livesound FOH and monitor engineer.

About a month or so ago, I received a pair of custom UE18-Pro in ear monitors (amongst some other cool toys).
These things are fucking kick-ass and have only been getting better over the month that I've spent wearing them in. They sound truly incredible, are comfortable as fuck and the isolation is awesome. The other day, I was wearing them while out grabbing dinner and took them out at one stage to realise how quiet the supermarket was and how loudly I was drumming on my bags of pasta in my trolley. Pretty embarrassing, but hilarious and awesome nonetheless.


Anyone else here using UE in-ears? If so, what do you think?

Edit: I'm looking for a suitable headphone amp and DAC for home use with these - they sound too good not to listen to at home and my iPhone doesn't do them justice. Any recommendations would be appreciated! I've done quite a bit of research already but any input from people with real-life experience would be greatly appreciated.
Thats awesome man, i've heard lots of great stuff about that company. But how do you plan on using them during FOH work, or is it mostly for monitors?
I use the Super-fi 5 pro's, but they're on their last leg (roughly 6 years old). The right IEM has cracked where the cable plugs in so it gets unplugged often. Still enjoy listening on them, but need to get something else soon.
I received my first custom iems about a month ago. We are endorsed by a small company, InEarz based out of Orlando fl. I've got quads and the low end is better then any monitoring/headphones I've ever heard.