Fiio headphone amps


Aug 2, 2007
Anyone else use one?
I got an E07K (headphone amp and DAC) for use with my Macbook Pro at home but when I tried connecting it to the line out of my Zed-R16 instead of using the built in headphone amp I was blown away.
The difference in clarity and stereo separation is extremely obvious.
I have been using it with a pair of Sony XBA-2 in ears to place guitar cab mics with excellent results too. The clarity in the mids and fast transients make it much easier to place a mic than the built in headphone amp and AT M50 headphones I used to use.

Using the Fiio to my HD598 cans for checking mixes is brilliant too.
Highly recommend the Fiio E07K.
Yeah man... dedicated amps work wonders sometimes, specially on power demanding headphones. I'm going for a Lovely Cube soon, although it's not a portable like the E07K or the E11K