Ultimate Metal Forum Member Poster


Metal Grandma
Mar 12, 2003
New Jersey
I've been asked by a number of people if I'd be willing to do the forum poster again and I've decided to do it. Really missed it last year. The printing is rather pricey though, (around $80) and I would need some help with that. Not sure how to set it up - looking for suggestions.

Anyway, here's the deal:
If you're new, this is a poster of everyone who participated in this forum, even if only occasionally, so that you can meet new friends or just say "hi" at the festival. If you want to be included, it's very simple:

Post a photo of yourself with your name on the photo! in this thread. Whatever name you want to use; forum name/real name/both.

The photo has to be located online somewhere (i.e. Facebook or any site that supports photos) then copy/paste the link location here in this thread.

Please submit as large a photo as possible. Pictures that are 2x3 inches, 72 dpi are nearly impossible to blow up and get swallowed up in the poster which will be 24x36 inches and 300 dpi.

It's important to include the name, since this is a very time consuming project and adding the names myself makes it doubly so. If you have any questions/problems just ask. Always glad to help.

It is also VERY HELPFUL if you could make the file name of the photo something with your name in it. Trying to keep track of a bunch of images name "kllsdshdohup.jpg" or "me.jpg" is a pain in the ass and I have to rename them.

The poster will be put up in the lobby of the venue on Thursday night where it will stay throughout the fest. In the past it's been a great way to put faces with names and some photos have been highly amusing.

I would like to have all the photos by August 20th to give me time to organize the layout and get it printed.

Let the fun begin!
Oh yeah, the money. I'm sure we could do a gofundme or somesuch (maybe just a new paypal account)? I've never started one, though. I'd happily chip in.
Hey Lisa Marie

If you can get the poster to me in a single jpg file, I can print it for free on photo quality poster paper (or more accurately for the cost of a beer at Center Stage!). Let me know.

Here is my picture.


Bumping this up. Not getting a lot of action here yet. Let's get those photos posted!! If you know people who are attending the fest but aren't on the forum regularly, let them know.
I'm not a big fan of "selfies", so my pic from the last poster is probably still the best one I have... :-)

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I will contribute a photo and also $$ if needed! AMBR puts a ton of work into these, so she shouldn't have to pick up the tab for the production as well!
Hey, a new photo this year! Wearing my new Myrath T-shirt that I ordered directly from the band.


Love how the new forum can now support images directly instead of using Photobucket!

AMBR - When the time comes for donations - PLEASE let us know. I am more than willing to chip in! I think I already discussed on FB that Paypal is probably a good option.

Is it September yet? :D
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