ultimatemetal and its fate


keeper of the flame
Oct 10, 2001
safe but not far from the city
this is from mark's latest announcement:

originally posted by mark
As it stands now, the site is becoming to expensive to pay for myself (the UM kitty has run dry, and we have no money to pay next month's bill), and it's possible it may well close if we can't get some immediate help.

i already contributed and now i will do it again. but: is there any way you can think of to help the site? perhaps there's not much to say, but i thought it was worth mentioning here too, since maybe some of you don't check other forums or announcements at all. besides, i don't think i want to live in a world without um. :s :cry:

Well, the fact is that we should consideer ppl in UM are young ppl, and mostly of them are students who have to do efforts enough to gain money to go out the weekends. And even if we contribute to support UM, ppl don't use to post here regularly (except the dwarf and the robot). So, we can't decline the responsibility and let it to these kind of ppl.

But what about the bands? I don't think it's a great cost to assume by all those bands who have direct links from their web sites to use UM as their official forum. What do you think, Niklas? :D


Edit: Correcting the text.
Originally posted by |ngenius
But what about the bands? I don't think it's a great cost to assume by all those bands who have direct links from their web sites to use UM as their official forum. What do you think, Niklas? :D

not a bad idea at all.

as for the rest, i know ppl might have some difficulty in giving their money to an online site, and that's why i was trying to find a different way. also, the t-shirt ideas could work (ppl actually buys something that it's not already free for the taking) if only mark had enough money to get it started.

rahvin. (the concerned audience)
It is true most of the people here are young and perhaps unable to donate...

One way is to reduce the avatar sizes, as they eat up bandwidth (it may help a bit)... can't think of any others. Also they can take out the forum jump function at the bottom. It is not much work to use the top navagational links (even on a 56k connection like mine ;) ).

I do not wish to see these forums close like the original dmbml ones did. :cry:
As i already said on the Opeth forum, Mark should charge the bands a small fee. I mean its obious that if UM closes down the bands will end up paying for another forum elsewhere anyway, why not save this? Hearse already said that mark is not shure about doing this cause he feels a lot of bands could flee if the service is not entirely free, and for this month maybe bands should just cooperate by themselves but i mean he really should reconsider.

I dont think any band could object this, most likely All bands already pay ( and i dare to say way more ) for hosting their main page, i think they all can expend a buck per band member ( bands having an average of 5 members ) at month to keep this forums goins, is something I could even afford if i was to host a forum from my band.
@misanthrope: sounds sensible enough to me. so much that actually i thought the bands were already paying a fee. i can talk with niklas about it and see how he feels. my opinion is that, of course, the bands should contribute or mark should try and get some more ads. there's some 4000 ppl posting here, after all.

I've already donated money, and it is because of UM that i have found the bands i listen to today! If it wasn't for UM, God knows what i'd be listening to and it is because of UM that music is now a huge, huge part of my life. I agree with the solution posted already: Charge the bands a small fee! Do you know how much attention a band receives just because it's on UM! Very good idea IMO.
small ads like the one on the left & right top of every pages in UM is ok.

- red_beef [pop-ups suck and so dose poping...]
Hi guys,

I think the idea of charging bands is a good one, and one we're investigating (finding the right price etc, as not all bands make money - some are even in debt to their label etc...).

As for the t-shirts, these will be coming as soon as I find a UK-based screen printer who actually responds to emails!! :mad: :)
good luck with it Mark, i cant say how much i love UM, but seeing its demise is not what i want to. i'm happy being here and so does the rest of UM family members.

- red_beef
Originally posted by Gums
I'll donate, but I'm worried about giving out my credit card #
Is that how you guys donated?

there's more than a way to do it, just check the donation page. however, if you do this through paypal, i'm sure it's quite safe, like buying stuff from amazon. hope this is somewhat reassuring. ;)

Originally posted by Gums
I'll donate, but I'm worried about giving out my credit card #
Is that how you guys donated?

I already told Mark this, but I might as well tell you, I will be sending my donation through snail mail, as that is pretty much the only way for me.
And now that Mark is in UK he can take Euros which works fine for me, since we don't use it, but I am going to Finland on holiday begining of next month, so I will donate what Euros I have left when I get back.

And I agree, charge the bands, there are many bands who I have gotten solely on the fact they have been on UM, so they definetly can't say they don't gain anything from these forums. And like it is said, it won't have to be that much/band, since there are quite a few bands here.

I am still in need of 2 shirts :)