UltimateMetal Seeks New Reviewers

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Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Again, the webzine is growing and the current staff simply can't keep up with the sudden influx of demands, so we're looking for reviewers. Serious applicants only--please don't waste our time if you know you are unqualified. Requirements are as follows:

- must be willing and able to work well with others
- must be knowledgeable in regards to metal, though we acknowledge that with experience comes knowledge and that there's always room for improvement, growth, etc.
- must be into a variety of styles, though we try to cater to preferences somewhat
- must be a writer who needs little to no improvement from the get-go
- must be willing to contribute regularly for a long while
- no quotas, but must be willing to contribute reviews frequently and consistently
- interviews not necessary, though encouraged

If interested, and we hope you are, e-mail Russell Garwood with the following:

- a brief bio (let us know what you think we should know)
- a few sample reviews (reviews of albums you like and dislike; mix it up!)
- any interviews you've conducted before

*All reviews/interviews should be attached to an e-mail, and be in Microsoft Word format. Please allow Russell some time to get back in touch with you--he's a busy guy!


I'd be interested but my only problem is the amount of time I would need to commit to writing reviews as I am currently a full time University student with various other commitments.

Maybe sometime in the future though.
I'd be interested but my only problem is the amount of time I would need to commit to writing reviews as I am currently a full time University student with various other commitments.

Maybe sometime in the future though.

Same here.
I hate you for even thinking about comparing Trivium to Pantera. Trivium has sold out to England fan's and Matt Heafy just wants to be Jesus or James Hetfield and that's just a gay. Ascendancy is one of my favorite albums and The Crusades is trash. Don't buy it.
Im not US or Canadian but I do review metal quite a bit, if you still want a reviewer tell me, I have some sample reviews if needed :) hit me up
I hate you for even thinking about comparing Trivium to Pantera. Trivium has sold out to England fan's and Matt Heafy just wants to be Jesus or James Hetfield and that's just a gay. Ascendancy is one of my favorite albums and The Crusades is trash. Don't buy it.

Trashing both the Crusades and gays? Haha, pick a side mate! All jesting aside, I think of it this way: Pantera is more of a reference, while Trivium is a product of references like Pantera, Metallica, Anthrax, etc (basically, the "big four" of metal today...who, granted, are also referencing earlier generation bands like Sabbath, Maiden, etc.) So I suppose the point is that Pantera and Trivium aren't the most comparable if you think of them as products of 2 different eras in metal! They're good for different reasons. Time factors aside, it's a matter of preference... I prefer Pantera as well!

Peace, love, metal. :headbang:
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