Ulver - Blood Inside


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia
What the hell happened here? It appears that Trickster G. & Co. has decided to make an techno-emo-rap+garage rock album. Garm has given up his traditional vocal style in favour of gangsta rap for most of the album, switching off occasionally with black metal screetches and whiny emo-pop. If that wasn't enough, Garm on the last track recites a soliloquy about how he, Tore, and Jørn retract what they did with the Trilogie and how they're now devout National Socialist Muslims.

Chromatose said:
how could you forget to mention the undeniable beach boys rip offs

its the freakin sloop john b over here

oh yeah, they totally ripped off that riff back on "Christmas". Not to mention that they totally redid that riff Nine Inch Nails style... but far inferior.
and omgwtfz how can NIN's 'with teeth' turn out to be a better album than blood inside

ulver sucks trents cock harhahrharhhrraaam

I heard the samples awhile back and am curious to illegally d/l said leaked album, but I SHALL REFRAIN UNTIL JUNE 6TH!!!
MajestikMøøse said:
What the hell happened here? It appears that Trickster G. & Co. has decided to make an techno-emo-rap+garage rock album.

Newsflash - they've been doing this for a few years now. :)

Garm has given up his traditional vocal style in favour of gangsta rap for most of the album

Bass, how low can you go.... :cool:

If that wasn't enough, Garm on the last track recites a soliloquy about how he, Tore, and Jørn retract what they did with the Trilogie and how they're now devout National Socialist Muslims.

Haha, that actually sounds funny.

Still, unless this thread is a joke, I'm not sure why this is a big surprise. And didn't you fucks vote for Svidd Negger over Iron Maiden? You should be crucified on Steve Harris' Fender bass.
Well it normally takes them 5-6 advertising views before they acknowledge a cd exists. Getting them to let go of their obsession with krispy rice took 5-6 releases.

I would like to state for the record, i enjoy the new ulver. Whether or not i will a year from now will be the test though. It's a step up from perdition city i think.
JayKeeley said:
Newsflash - they've been doing this for a few years now. :)

Dude, are you on crack? They have never even touched on emo, rap, or techno (other than the metalheads definition that anything electronic = tekkno!!!1one!! LOLZ), and very rarely done anything plain rocky. :loco:

Good day to you, my fine sir
