Ulver - Blood Inside

JayKeeley said:
Question: In reference to "selling out", if a band remains 'low key', on a small label, isn't in it for the money and experiments with new sounds, BUT ends up alienating their audience to the point where 95% of the fanbase is replaced, and the band themselves end up dismissing their own roots by no longer acknowledging their earlier catalog, isn't that equally as sad? I'm all for progression, but shouldn't the acknowledgement of what got them there in the first place remain intact? Shouldn't there be a nod to fans of old AND new when playing shows for example? Why purposely move towards alienation and pretend that the metal albums no longer exist? And if that is the case through some form of pig-headedness, why not just change the band name and start all over again?

So everyone agrees? Cool. :cool:
I think it's sad if a band totally dismisses their roots. Hasn't Garm tried to forget the trilogy? I thought I read somewhere they he tries to forget those days.

Manes is a good example, what with forgetting black metal and releasing Vilosophe. I doubt at shows they play grim black metal followed by phat beats and Ozzy-type vocals.
@JayK: I don't believe in the term selling out. Not in my wishy washy way that I don't believe in genre names, I seriously do NOT believe in bands selling out. Even Metallica, they just got old and the creative well ran dry, who cares. I'm a firm believer in complete artistic freedom, bands can do whatever they want to do with their name, material, anything. I don't like seeing the fans get screwed over, but I can't get butthurt about it. Can't please everyone.

@Russell: Don't have that one and haven't heard it. Worth it, aye? Last FSOL I got was last year up in Frisco, scored Far-out Sun of Lung and the Ramblings of a Madman for $5 SCOCOROEOSROEOROOROOSE.

@neal: <3
Maybe metal fans listen to Ulver and no other electronic music because they're METAL FANS and haven't been exposed to those other genres yet, or don't care to be? Maybe they're content to enjoy what they have and use the occasional non metal album (by a metal band or otherwise) as a change from what they're used to! It's easy to quickly dismiss it all as metal fans having to tie it back to metal, but then again, generalizing in either direction is not only stupid, but pretty much a waste of time!
Demilich said:
Maybe metal fans listen to Ulver and no other electronic music because they're METAL FANS and haven't been exposed to those other genres yet, or don't care to be? Maybe they're content to enjoy what they have and use the occasional non metal album (by a metal band or otherwise) as a change from what they're used to! It's easy to quickly dismiss it all as metal fans having to tie it back to metal, but then again, generalizing in either direction is not only stupid, but pretty much a waste of time!

Though admittedly Agalloch made me seek out things like Sol Invictus, Death in June, Of the Wand and the Moon, Forseti, Boyd Rice, Menhir, Sonne Hagal...
Demilich said:
Maybe metal fans listen to Ulver and no other electronic music because they're METAL FANS and haven't been exposed to those other genres yet, or don't care to be? Maybe they're content to enjoy what they have and use the occasional non metal album (by a metal band or otherwise) as a change from what they're used to! It's easy to quickly dismiss it all as metal fans having to tie it back to metal, but then again, generalizing in either direction is not only stupid, but pretty much a waste of time!

By the very fact that a band has changed style and the netal fans will still listen to it, they are being exposed to another genre, and enjoying it! What better start could they need? As you say, it's a change from what they're used to.

So why does the identity as a METAL FAN stop them checking out more, having more variety in their listening? True, they may not "care to be", but why is this - why do they only feel the need to listen to one genre of music if they know full well they enjoy others, and there is a great wealth of other stuff out there? Again, I would suggest this is due to the identity, and confidence, being a METAL FAN gives them. I can't think of a great number of other reasons to ignore non "ex-metal bands" in a genre you otherwise enjoy.

I agree generalizing is not the best of ideas, and in now way do I suggest what I say always applies, but I believe in a large number of cases, probaby a strong majority, this is in fact the case. :)
Demilich said:
Maybe metal fans listen to Ulver and no other electronic music because they're METAL FANS and haven't been exposed to those other genres yet, or don't care to be?

and the answer....

Russell said:
So why does the identity as a METAL FAN stop them checking out more, having more variety in their listening?

EX-FUCKING-ACTLY!! Why put boundaries upon yourself? All I'm saying is that if you like ambient techno trance trip hop, why STOP at metal bands doing a weak interpretation of it, when there is a whole world out there doing it for 'real'? So one day I discover that I like ice cream, but I never venture further beyond Rocky Road?? :loco:

In the same way, why stop at Darkthrone clones when you can get the real deal?

Go find this track by SACRED REICH called "31 Flavors". It pretty much sums it up. :cool:

As for generalizations, I say do it and do it loud. :tickled: Otherwise you end up with a forum of 30 people with nothing to say other than 'this is good' or 'this is bad'. No, go into details! Be obsessive compulsive!! Generalize! Stereotype! Make wild comparisons! It's the art of good conversation. :kickass:
Maybe I just don't know any of the people you're describing, but then again, who cares? If people like post-trilogy Ulver, but not enough to bother checking out whatever genre that music is from, good for them!