Ulver- Nattens Madrigal

Would you say you like it more or less than Burzum? I love Bergtatt and will be getting Kveldssanger very soon. However, I think Bruzum is kind of cool, so maybe I will get Nattens Madrigal is it is similar to that style of BM.
No, this is not similar to Burzum at all. I would rather listen to Burzum than this. Burzum doesn't pummel you with a wall of noise. Burzum is all about atmosphere. Nattens Madrigal has no atmosphere. This album, to me, sounds like the equivalent of the death metal band, Origin.

Again, the only reason I got it is to complete the trilogy.
Wow! Ulver is very unique. I was blown away by Bergtatt. I will be getting Kveldssanger as well, but I am a little skeptical about Nattens Madrigal. I don't like waisting money on something that I'll only listen to once or twice just to say I have listened to it.
Then don't get Nattens Madrigal. I agree that the first album is very good. The second is equal in greatness. The third, like I said, is pretty unlistenable unless you like being pummeled to death. Try and find some reviews about it. They'll say the same thing.
Hmmm...perhaps I should give this another listen. But I need to go get more Advil for the headache I will have when this album finishes.
Hmm...Dreamlord about that Origin comment, i thought their first album was good, but i agree that some songs were a bit messy and just "noise" so to speak.

But their new album they have improved %100, you have to hear it to beleive it. Its proberly the best death metal release this year!...soo far. The drumming is fuckin INSANE too. Move over Derek Roddy!.....
Originally posted by Smekermann

Or maybe, JUST MAYBE you have only heard it once or twice while you were doing something completely unrelated to music, and decided that "WOW I AM READING THIS HERE WEBSITE AND NOT REALLY PAYING ATTENTION TO WHAT THE FUCK'S HAPPENING ON THE RECORD, BUT IT SOUNDS PRETTY MEDIOCRE SO FAR!!!". Smooth move, bro. For starters you could at least remember that the acoustic break is in the first song. I mean, seriously, it's not that hard. It's not even a fucking minute into the goddamn song.

The least you could do is properly listen to the albums you review before you go out and spew ignorant shit like "this album is just for people who like mediocrity". I DARE you to find me a better old school black metal album. This is the embodiment of everything black metal stands for, like it or not.

It's a review. It is simply one person's opinion.Don't be so insecure, that when someone disagrees with what you like, you feel the need post ignorant statements like you just did.

What a troll.
Originally posted by Dreamlord
I will not go into the story of how Century Media signed Ulver, and Ulver ended up spending the recording budget on cars and such. That story can be read pretty much anywhere.
Wrong. That story as well as the one that says they recorded the album in the middle of a forest to get the trollish atmosphere are false. According to Garm... "It was intentional. We used lots of bad quality equipment and heavy distortion. We know how to work and shape the sound, the result was very close to our original idea."

This third release is for.... or people who just like mediocrity.
I bloody hate when people say this. IT WAS INTENTIONAL. It's not mediocre. It's not low-skilled. It's-just-the-way-they-wanted-it-to-sound. The music and the lyrics depict the primitivity of the animal instinct in man. Hence the wolf imag(in)ery. It's raw emotion.

If some people like to achieve clinically clean sound, why not try to create the dirtiest sound you can. It's that simple.
Originally posted by astarte

I bloody hate when people say this. IT WAS INTENTIONAL. It's not mediocre. It's not low-skilled. It's-just-the-way-they-wanted-it-to-sound. The music and the lyrics depict the primitivity of the animal instinct in man. Hence the wolf imag(in)ery. It's raw emotion.

It's a fucking review people. And odds are, if you're reading this, you have the album already. So what in the blue fuck do you care? sheesh
I thought about deleting this review, but it's kind of funny watching all these 'tr00 elitists' rag on my review.

And people, if everyone shared my opinion of this album it wouldn;t be a cult classic like it is, so be comforted in that you are in good company.
Albums like "Nattens . . ." get extremely mixed reviews. The same thing happend with Khanate. I really tore into a reviewer here at UM because I thought he was too harsh and biased toward Khanate. Extreme doom and primitive black metal are two very close cousins, as far as musical approach is concerned. Ulver did not mean for everone to enjoy "Nattens . . .". I think it's great to get this much reaction from a review. At least people pay attention to what you have to say.
Originally posted by Dreamlord
I thought about deleting this review, but it's kind of funny watching all these 'tr00 elitists' rag on my review.

I think the reason people are criticizing your review has more to do with the fact that the review seemed to be based on a very little amount of experience with the album rather than any kind of elitism. It sounds like you listened to it once and then threw the review together. Like Smekermann said, you couldn't even remember when the only acoustic break in the entire album occurs.
Originally posted by Sacrilicious

Like Smekermann said, you couldn't even remember when the only acoustic break in the entire album occurs.

Simply because the album sounds like one jumbled mess.

Again, if everyone shared my opinion, this album wouldn't be as highly regarded as it is, so relax.