Ulver - Perdition City


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
An album I've been listening to for several years, at times at an obsessive rate. I love it, yes I do. But at times I'm not really sure why. Scratch that, I love it because it rules, that's all. Oddly enough I almost always fall asleep when listening to it, in the positive way. After drifting off into a nightmarish valley reaching it's lowest point at We Are the Dead, shortly afterwards I become awoken with a great uplifting jar that is Nowhere/Catastrophe, and I wake up smiling, grooving, dancing, spinning, and altogether feeling good.

Discuss, in anticipation for Blood Inside, which will apparently be released this month. Rapture.
Ulver hasn't release a real album for years now , so who could tell ..?

Perdition City is obviously the most solid work by Ulver (later period) but I have overlistened it a bit , so I tend to play Themes.. and the OSTs instead
I have Perdition City (playstation packing) and Silence Teaches You How To Sing MCD, but I don't like them much, however Melacholy Ep was promosing and so was the new samples!
spaffe said:
Anyone who'd like to CDR me a copy of Perdition City? :cool: I must say it sounds pretty interesting from NAD's description

NO, but I can offer you a rare-version of it, with extended booklet and playstation cover and for exchange I want your From The Pagan Vastelands! What, no deal??? :loco:
M.Lehto said:
NO, but I can offer you a rare-version of it, with extended booklet and playstation cover and for exchange I want your From The Pagan Vastelands! What, no deal??? :loco:

Haha nah, and besides I have the un-grim Wild Rags version ;P
I still love the album, is there a better aural depiction of urban paranoia than Porn Piece or Dead City Centres? And tracks like Hallways of Always and Tomorrow Never Knows (gotta love someone pretentious enough to blatantly appropriate a Beatles song title) are accidental genius electronica, although the Silence eps are further on the "this should be and theory is nothing but random noise but still sounds fucking great" category...about the only thing it needed more of were Garm's vocals, the new one shall take care of that demand.

fanboy mode OFF