Ulver releases


May 12, 2002
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Too many Ulver Albums in production, obviously I`ll buy everything.

Until now we have:

1. Natten`s Remake
2. Ulver Remix Album
3. Norwegian Movie Soundtrack
4. Lyckantropen Soundtrack
5. New Album

Too much money I expect that it`ll be worthy.
Too much electronic experimentation.

A remix album is pointle$$.
A remake of Nattens Mardigal is a, uh, VERY BAD IDEA!1
The thought of it turning into "www.olf & [insert smth witty]" makes me cringe. >_<
Lyckantropen ST is.. well, like anything they've done lately. At least the track I've heard.
The only money i'd spent on Ulver would be in a Trilogy LP Boxset.

lol i really hope this is fake --> #$%%!!!
I don`t think the Natten remake is a bad idea , Garm wants to make a different aproach of the album with electronics an a string quartet. I like every Ulver release except the Metamorphis ep and I really appreciate Ulver`s music being metal or electronic.
So, Ulver are not metal anymore... so?? They've gotten better and better with each release, and they're quite competent on handling different music styles, styles which seem to go over all of your heads... which is to be expected in metalheads.
I think that Ulver should have done the electronics with a side project band . It is normal for a band to want to do something different, that's why side project are good. But in the Ulver case I don't like any of the album they made after nattens. It have nothing to do with metal I think that electronic don't fit with too much electronic/techno. Like the new And oceans for example....

On the other hand classical/medieval is a great combination with metal...
Ulver was always Garm's pet project... who else from the Nattens lineup remain in the band?? exactly. If he wants to do a salsa album he'll do it, because it's HIS deal. I don't blame him one bit for changing Ulver's direction away from metal... it's good to keep yourself fresh.
Originally posted by Alfonso
So, Ulver are not metal anymore... so?? They've gotten better and better with each release, and they're quite competent on handling different music styles, styles which seem to go over all of your heads... which is to be expected in metalheads.
So you are so much better and smarter 'cause you like newer Ulver more than older?
And I agree with Nattestid that Garm should have made that electronic stuff a sideproject. It is not that I don't like "electronic music", I enjoy it sometimes (not that often though).. but not by Ulver. Ulver should not be electronic music.
Originally posted by blakmetalemp
I like the Bergatt album but Nattens sucks IMO. Production is just too horrible for me to stomach.

As far as Perdition City, Blake and the EPs. I buy everyone he puts out if they are anything like these. Garm has found the perfect way of expressing himself.

I'm glad someone agrees with me on Nattens Madrigal.

I own all of the electronic stuff too. I like Themes... and PC is pretty good, but I can't stomach the Silence EP's, too boring.
All Ulver's albums rock, and if they didn't change inbetween each release they wouldn't be Ulver :p

I would really rather they continued to change than succum to the pressure of fans, keep releasing the same (all be it very good) music, and risk stagnating...

Also the change, to me, shows artistic integrity, bravery, taste, and most of all how talented Trickster G is - whatever genre (or mixture of genres) he moves into he masters, and then continues to change...

Also the EP's are an aquired taste, if you're into that kind of music (IMO) they too are masterpieces.

I also don't think anyone here has the right to say what Ulver's music "should be". That's one mans decision (or perhaps three ;) ). The entire side project thing seems ridiculous to me, it's obvious T.G didn't want to record more metal, so why should he have to change the name of his band just to please a few fans who miss his old music? And if he didn't do that, why should he write and record music he didn't want to, just to please the same fans?
Originally posted by Russell
I would really rather they continued to change than succum to the pressure of fans, keep releasing the same (all be it very good) music, and risk stagnating...

Also the change, to me, shows artistic integrity, bravery, taste, and most of all how talented Trickster G is - whatever genre (or mixture of genres) he moves into he masters, and then continues to change...

Also the EP's are an aquired taste, if you're into that kind of music (IMO) they too are masterpieces.

I also don't think anyone here has the right to say what Ulver's music "should be". That's one mans decision (or perhaps three ;) ). The entire side project thing seems ridiculous to me, it's obvious T.G didn't want to record more metal, so why should he have to change the name of his band just to please a few fans who miss his old music? And if he didn't do that, why should he write and record music he didn't want to, just to please the same fans?

Nicely put. After all there aren't any "should"s or "should not"s in music. And in my opinion, change is most of the times good for the music (as it is said in a work of theirs "Expect poison from standing water")
I agree with Russell as well.

Also, when Ulver first came onto the seen, they were a fresh new sound in the black metal world. After a few albums of brilliant BM (with the exception of Kveldsjanger), Ulver decided they needed to keep with the spirit of BM and rebel against what was popular. Ulver is simply remaining a creative force in the music scene, rather than running with the rest of the pack.
I Have all Borgir, Arcturus and Borknagar albums, the thread between the Album is IC Vortex and i know he appears on Ulver, so wich record should i Buy first
I can't say I make much sense in the above post, but from what I understand I must tell you that Simen Hestnaes (ICS Vorterx) never sang or participated in any other way in any Ulver release.