Nov 30, 2005
Alright, this is a meme thread. Not just a general found it on Reddit/4chan/etc. meme thread, but I'd like to collect memes local to Ultimate Metal. There have been great ones around here, and I think it would be nice to see them put together in one convenient thread for our amusement. That means Pessimism, V.V.V.V.V., and Valerie all need to get the fuck in here. I want to see Grant running. I want to see Nick smiling in front of shit. Maybe the shoop with Krampus that has a tiny Krampus popping out of her jogging shorts.

You know, shit like this:
I have laughed so hard I'm passing out. This thread must continue.

^ Did it start out with fish, by Cythraul?

I think so. I think Cyth got drunk one night and made a rant thread that included him cooking fish.
It also involved a lot of "true metal jams", and demands that people "get with the program real fucking quick". :kickass:
^ Did it start out with fish, by Cythraul?

It started with this:

How to appreciate death metal: Don't be a fucking faggot.

Then one night, Cyth posted this gem:

alright i've got a little something to say all you fucks who aren't completely metal better get with the program real fucking quick because thsi shit is not a hobby alright. i don't give a shit about your stupid kids and your fucking job or whatever it is that you do you better know real quick that i this is my fucking life i fucking cook fish, drink beers in my apartment, and I fucking throw on true metal jams 24 fcking 7 buddy. So don't come to me with you false concepts like "gorwing up" and all this bullshit. Just throw on some fucking Sadus like i already fucki;ng told you and shut your fucking mouth faggot. that's all.

and I followed with this gem:

Thank you for delivering, Val.

EDIT: Some more requests: Onder in flannel, more Andy at the Jackson Pollack art exhibit, and any of the memes we came up with to run that douche Karmablade out of here. In return, these:









Can anyone find and repost the full sequence of pictures with Andy in the art museum? I remember there were a ton of shoops of that and it was amazing.