ummm, i don't get it.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
so dead iraq war vets don't count?

Protesters Try to Remove Maine Peace Flags

Fri Nov 11,10:24 AM ET

WATERVILLE, Maine - Protesters led by a veterans post tried to remove a flag display placed by peace activists at a veterans cemetery, and five were charged with criminal trespass.

The display remained intact Friday, Veterans Day, despite a threat by at least one of the protesters to return later to finish yanking up the flags.

The display of 2,000 white flags, meant to remember U.S. soldiers killed in
Iraq, was set up at Veterans Memorial Park cemetery Oct. 30 under a permit issued to Waterville Area Bridges for Peace and Justice.

Members of the local Veterans of Foreign Wars post complained, saying they wanted the flags removed before Veterans Day. The permit allows the flags to remain in place until the first snowfall.

On Thursday, about 10 people went to the cemetery and, under the glare of television camera lights, some began removing the flags as eight peace group members and sympathizers gathered nearby. Police moved in quickly to make the arrests.

Wayne Elkins, the VFW commander who led the protesters and was among those detained, said he had no problem with the peace group, as long as it stays out of the cemetery.

"They desecrated our veterans' grounds. If they want to protest, let them protest. We don't mind. But to desecrate hallowed ground is wrong," he said.

He and the four others were released on the condition that they stay away from the park until Sunday, police said.

The peace activists stayed out of the fracas.

"Obviously, I don't want to fight them for the flags," said Bill Lord, a Vietnam veteran. "Really, I think that the VFW and Bridges for Peace and Justice have a lot in common. I believe in peacefully working things out."
sidenote, the projected costs for medical care of gulf war II vets are STAGGERING. don't have specific figures and i'm late for class already so i'll try and dig something up later.
well i hope we ignore them completely just like our vietnam vets. :rolleyes:

seriously, for such a war-based country we sure don't give a shit about our veterans. well except WWI & WWII i suppose, the "good" wars. :rolleyes: again.

fuck war.
i'm not getting why the VFW freaked out over the 2000 flags. a symbol for dead veterans in a veteran cemetary seems like the perfect place to do such a thing, and they had the necessary permits and everything.

were they saying new vets don't count? or were they upset that this was showing cracks in their solidarity movement and therefore AIDING AND ABETTING THE TERRORISTS THEMSELVES?!
so the flags were placed on other people's graves? this article doesn't say that, i wasn't aware that that was the case.

if that's true, okay it makes sense. but this article doesn't specify where the flags were, and i was just assuming they were on display somewhere other than on people's graves.
Yeah, it's not specific about where the flags were placed. Still, I think they could have done this elsewhere. I have no problem with it, but I can easily see why people would be upset at such a thing being done in a cemetary.
Lord is such a cool last name. "who are you?" "MUAHAHA I AM DR LOORRRRDDDD"