Un-Signed Band?


New Metal Member
Apr 28, 2006
Well everyone im a new person on this thread so dont get pissed at me if you think im spamming but I want some of the unsigned bands across the nation to post some pics of local shows or myspace links here. Ill Start Mine is my band from North Dakota we're a heavy metal band and our name is The Knights Of Chaos. We are on myspace with some songs too myspace.com/theknightsofchaos
now what are some of your guys' bands?
^ i loved the first song. dont care too much for the lead work in grave hopes though. no offense. but i loved the drums and that crazy breakdown thing you did on the first song somewhere near the beginning
hi! I'm a noobie too. Here's my website www.3200.us and you can find us on myspace at www.myspace.com/3200band

if you have time, please let me know what you think.

I'm trying to listen to the myspace profiles listed above but I'm on dial up. I only get 3-6 seconds of music at a time between 20-30 seconds of buffering. Today I'm moving at the ultimately HIGHSPEED (not) of 24.6kbps. Woohoooo

sounds jammin' though :)
TKOC_Keys said:
Well everyone im a new person on this thread so dont get pissed at me if you think im spamming but I want some of the unsigned bands across the nation to post some pics of local shows or myspace links here. Ill Start Mine is my band from North Dakota we're a heavy metal band and our name is The Knights Of Chaos. We are on myspace with some songs too myspace.com/theknightsofchaos
now what are some of your guys' bands?

honestly I did not enjoy this, the recording quality was terrible so it is hard to tell much about the music other than it appeared pretty sloppy and the vocals are weak. get some better recordings up and i'd be happy to listen with an open mind and ear.

my band is in my sig
lycanthropyhowl said:
that was cool man:headbang:
Those guys fimblewintermetal are cool. when I checked my myspace thang this morning there was a friend request from them. :) I accepted of course. Then when I came here and saw your post, I just had to tell ya.

Good group! I wish em the best:)
3200 said:
Those guys fimblewintermetal are cool. when I checked my myspace thang this morning there was a friend request from them. :) I accepted of course. Then when I came here and saw your post, I just had to tell ya.

Good group! I wish em the best:)

you guys are really good too, definitley hear the rob/white zombie influence there:headbang:
Yeah My band doesnt have verygood recordings up right now we have one song recorded that has the keyboards in it but soon we might go up to winnipeg again and record there.
TKOC_Keys said:
Yeah My band doesnt have verygood recordings up right now we have one song recorded that has the keyboards in it but soon we might go up to winnipeg again and record there.

not to be a dick but I would personally be embarrassed to have the music you have up now.
King Chaos said:
Well I have a solo project... the myspace is: www.myspace.com/thefinaljourneyoftheseer

finished one full length album, and just finished a five track ep/mini album (35 mins long) Pretty cool sense of achievement comes with it.

yeah, this rocks! :headbang:
it is so incredible crazy - that's what i like in progressive music! :)
i hope you'll get the opportunities to record it in better quality and with a real drummer ;)
go on!