Skilled Bands

Meshuggah is enough for weird time signature meshuggah kind of need for another band like that.......hmm well perhaps Fredrik Thordendal's Special Defects
@thorg perhaps Fredrik Thordendal'S Special Defects is exactly the band you have been looking for.......theres an mp3 on the meshuggah homepage
I'm enjoying Coprofago. It's not poetry, and the Jazz thing (whilst performed quite well) feels a little forced, but they're still a lot better than a bunch of other crappy bands out there. I care not that they sound like a Meshuggah rip-off. It's just the same as saying that every other metal band out there is a rip off of each other for using 4/4 beats.
I said theyre a meshuggah ripoff because most of their music is literally a meshuggah rip off lol. Like some guy said on page 1.. listen to I by meshuggah then listen to that band again. Some parts are ridiculously blatant.. like they've only changed the lyrics.
Anarkissed said:
I'm enjoying Coprofago. It's not poetry, and the Jazz thing (whilst performed quite well) feels a little forced, but they're still a lot better than a bunch of other crappy bands out there. I care not that they sound like a Meshuggah rip-off. It's just the same as saying that every other metal band out there is a rip off of each other for using 4/4 beats.

I don't think anyone has said that it sounds like a Meshuggah ripoff specifically because of the time sigs/polyrhythmic drumming. Some of the samples sound like they were lifted straight from Meshuggah, it sounds like he's bought a Meshuggah pedal for his guitar and the riffage is very derivative too. They do sound good in a way because they are emulating Meshuggah, but they don't seem to have any of their own sound or do much to develop Meshuggah's ideas into something that belongs to them.
The weird atonal guitar solos aren't really that easy either, nor is playing those weirdass signatures on the guitar in the correct tempo live (not that I've ever seen them live, so I don't know if they can play it tight).
Thorg happens to have Special Defects in his life. Indeed it is beautiful
lol did he really kick this thread off with the phrase "jazz influenced" and expect NOT to get reamed?
what! it is. Chimp Spaner clearly states Allan Holdsworth influence and you can hear it. And opethian. I am neither orc nor agre. I am a spiritual entity