Unable to get vocals to blend properly


New Metal Member
Mar 4, 2012
I've Been working on this song for exactly one week now. I recorded the guitars, programmed the drums, recorded bass, programmed synth and recorded vocals.

I can't seem to get the vocals to sit properly in the mix, and they sound really muddy as well. ESP the cleans. Any advice is appreciated!

Also if there's any improvements to be made to the music mix I'm all ears!

Here's the link to hear!
I've taken all of your advice and made quite a few changes today.

the vocals had an amp sim on them addingdistortion...which wasn't a good idea. I actually had forgotten I'd done that.

I panned all guitar tracks left and right, and mixed the bass so it's much louder and thicker...I may need to do some retakes on that.

I've raised the guitars highs about 2db and dropped the lows about .5db. It is sounding much cleaner and brighter...

Thanks for all of the advice so far! I've just started learning to mix and master somewhat well...your advice has made the song sound 10x better so far!

Here's the result of my work today


Any other suggestions from this one?