Uncreation cover !

That's my favourite song. That's an amazing job, but while I can understand using your own unique vocal delivery, it's overpowering the music, whereas Dan's deeper growl meshed better. Yours remind me of some of what I've heard by Entombed.
thank you and i waiting for POD tones:)

a couple of years i made Sun of the night cover-id find on my HDD...

lets cover the best Moontower song-Add realuty:)
sounds really good, specially the growls, I know if you put a little effort tweaking the drum you'll get a better vibe.

did you use a VST for the keyboard? sounds amazing.

hello, thanks for the compliments :)

yeah, that 80s synth lead directly comes from one of Cubase's built-in synth vsts. i can't recall the name atm.
sure :) i will share the synth settings besides the pod xt guitar patches (someone else asked for it before, i was so lazy sharing...) tonight when i'm back at home. i didn't play with the 80s lead's default settings much, but i heavily EQed to fit it into the song.