Undeniable Elements of Collapse


Ocean Planet is on burn
Jul 10, 2007
Oklahoma, US
An interesting article I found that details our current situation pretty well.

Undeniable Elements of Collapse

Dear Human Race, I want to give you a list of elements that are destroying you. This could be stopped, I just do not think you have the courage. Today I read that a woman who paid off her mortgage is getting foreclosed because she cant pay her $400 water bill. And everyone lets it happen. Let the oil industry treat us like slaves and kill our way of life so England can have a country. England is the enemy. Did you know they are doing the same thing to Argentina? No permits, no regulations, and at 8000 feet. Penguins beware!
This is Braveheart all over again. History is repeating itself because this is standard operating procedure for the entitled race.

I am reminded by a leaking foreclosure statement Citigroup sent to its officers that called US citizens peasants.

Is this how the corporations are able to destroy the Ocean with no safety standards, drilling at 18,000 ft? Are we to assume that it was all for a rabid pace to keep the Global beast running? Where is the consideration in anyone these days?
The main element in your demise, the Energy Descent. Peak Oil- http://mikeruppert.blogspot.com/
The rip in supply to demand. When the planet can no longer replenish what the human race is taking. Consider these facts, these straining overshoots, tipping points, bitter ends, they are upon is now.

America uses 40% of our drinking water to refine oil.
There are 30,000 Oil wells in the Gulf, and they only account for 30% of Americas energy production.
70% of Americas oil comes from foreign imports.
America is so consolidated that it is only 2% local, no infrastructure to harvest wheat, no infrastructure to Can food locally.

America grows soil with Pesticides and herbicides, they are made form the fossilized fuel, non renewable. That soil is now spongey dead, and requires more and more pesticides to maintain the soil. Over the years, California's soil has become salted and soon the main food basket in America is about to die. We will not be able to grow food on it for a 1000 years.
Salting of the San joaquin basin
Solution= Compost cities and sheet mulch , build soil and harvest soil.

The day that happens is not foreseeable to me, I am surrounded by seedless humans dependent on genetically modified corporate food that is creating superweeds.
Dear Monsanto, Thank You for the Superweeds

The bees are dying, an alarming rate of death occurred this winter, America lost a 3rd of its Bees this winter.
Goodbye to the Avocados and all the flowerings. Already China is using some its 2 billion people to pollinate the flowers themselves.
Solution= find organic bee farmers on line and get a local a bee network going with backyard gardens.
This is the inevitable reason why humanity needs to break up into a million eco villages. How we get there is up to us. I feel we are going to fall like the high horse falls, the hardest.

Peak Phosphorous. http://www.energybulletin.net/node/33164
I can't tell you how important of an issue this is, and what it is going to take to fix. There are only 3 elements that we need to grow food. NPK> nitrogen which we get from trees, Potassium which we get from a garden, and Phosphorous which we get from mining rocks, or a wildlife bird sanctuary.

Solution= create a food forest and bring in biodiversity for wildlife, bird poop is phosphorous, set up water run off harvesting systems throughout the forest so that the sediment flow reaches the garden. Can you imagine the undertaking to get this going for everyone? Sounds like fun to me. We have 6 billion people on the planet. Yes we can.

Peak Water-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peak_water
The relationship with energy and water are direct. The draining of aquifers and the inability to replenish them
because we are taking faster than nature can repair. Main reason, taking away food crops for energy crops. This is causing horrible disregarded consequences.

Solution= Harvest water in cities, Send the water through multiple food forest systems and slow the water down, repair landscape from top to bottom, build small dams in eroded creeks, and swale off of them.
Stop the water from running off into the ocean so fast. We can slow it down tremendously, but we can not continue to grow the concrete jungle. The party is over.

There are other elements of collapse, a financial collapse that is connected to these elements. What is a future? What is a derivative? They are bets on a resource and its ability to produce over time. That market is in chaos. a $600 trillion dollar problem.
Just remember the cause and not the effect. This is effect.

Peak Gold- What, we are out of gold too? Yep, and its worse than you can imagine. For every 10 ounces of gold in the world there are 100 ounces that cant be placed to any real supply of gold. http://www.zerohedge.com/article/fo...onfirms-lmba-otc-gold-market-paper-gold-ponzi
One gold mine extracts 30 tons of earth to get one ounce of gold. America is mining molecules to create gold, and its extremely water and energy intensive.

How do you value currency? By creating a black box entity like BMI aka the FED, the government is operating like an entertainment company. But it is counterfeit, and the audit will prove this. Be careful what you wish for America. Audit the Fed and you collapse.

The sooner we crash the system and create natural capital currency we can transition. That is what is needed, a transition. A reconnection with earth, a reconnection back to natural systems. This is coming upon us regardless. It is happening now.

Permaculture design is our way out. I need a revolution.
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awesome post (mortem! lol). It's refreshing to see another person on this board who isn't deluded into believing we can continue this game of economics and controlling the distribution of resources with little pieces of paper and being forced into labor. If people could understand that if we actually worked together and stopped competing for dwindling resources our lives could be 10X better. Time to change, people. We live in a modern (lulz) society based off of ancient ideologies and princibles. consciously, we aren't much different than we were 5000 years ago, we just havn't kept up with our technology.
Yup. Seeing rationale people these days that do not sit and absorb the god damn media like a fucking sponge are rare sights.

If we keep living the way we do, we will not have the opportunity to LIVE AT ALL in the future.
Yes! As long as we have Corporations with the huge pull that they wield over our Government (which does try to help us but is simply outnumbered and doesn't have the media to back them). As long as people keep accepting the OPINIONS (key word, politicians and media don't use facts or scientific data to sway us, but our emotions...) of the few and swalling them without taking into consideration what they actually gain from war, capitalism, an economy, empire, and employment. Sad thing is most people can't. They've had thier critial thinking skills stolen from them and replaced with propoganda and Consumerism, Ideology, Patriotism, Opinions, and other irrelevant, wasteful garbage.
Yup. Seeing rationale people these days that do not sit and absorb the god damn media like a fucking sponge are rare sights.

If we keep living the way we do, we will not have the opportunity to LIVE AT ALL in the future.

Good sir, to know someone like you is truly a pleasure.

I haven't read a rant that informative/educational/intelligent in a long, LONG time. It's a good refresher to the typical shit we've been getting lately.

Thanks for taking the time to type that all out, man. It's a shame not more people are replying/acknowledging this, because these are some VERY valid points.
Good sir, to know someone like you is truly a pleasure.

I haven't read a rant that informative/educational/intelligent in a long, LONG time. It's a good refresher to the typical shit we've been getting lately.

Thanks for taking the time to type that all out, man. It's a shame not more people are replying/acknowledging this, because these are some VERY valid points.

+100 mana to you sir. Most people are busy placating themselves, or possibly trying to rationalize or justify their ignorance. I see it all the time. I regularly try to talk to people here at my work about these issues, I 99% of the time get shrugged off or insulted. Sometimes people even get angry at me, or get a stupid cop-out line such as "I'm a firm beleiver in personal responsibility!" only to hear my response "That's great! When are you going to act upon that belief?". I hate hearing that anyways, since no-one is actually independant so it's just a fallacy.
As interesting as this all is and regardless of whether it's right or not, the people in support of this movement need to learn to communicate their messages in a way that isn't going to aleniate everyone but those already in support of it. The phrasing and presentation of that entire article is incredibly off-putting to anyone remotely skeptical about the position being promoted. The whole discussion so far gives off a very ''you're wrong, we're right, and we're better than you because of that.''

There's a reason that the mass media stuff you guys are criticizing is mass media and not underground like this movement - it's presented in a way that appeals to virtually everyone, so virtually everyone continues to buy it up.
I can see your point. But you can only show people the statistics, the polls, the facts so many times which are ignored before you become irritated. I get the conspiracies thrown at me all the time too, just because we have some things in common doesn't mean we believe that nonsense as well, lol. So many of those conspiracies are based on misunderstood science and/or just made up facts parroted enough times to just manifest its own credibility. There is so much misinformation about what is going on in the world its sick. So much of it is tied to the churches. They don't give a shit about the earth because its unholy so it justifies their stance on oil spills, pollution, mining the earth dry, endless Cradle-to-Grave products, shitty medicine practiced unethically, etc. I won't name any names, but many many (ex. : "Thanks Caller, I appreciate your call...") radio personalities belching out SHIT, polluting the minds of the nation have religious connotations and motives. 5% truth and 95% crap means a lot of people with undeveloped BS-Filters and the tendency to NOT research any claims reasonably (no, 2 sources owned the same guy and a dozen sites parroting him doesn't count) are going to agree with the truths, and subsequently agree (vigorously!) with the crap. It's a common tactic used to manipulate people, and Showing people these things and maybe smearing a little pie on their face will have a bigger effect than trying to be respectful. You can't have any effect on people if you are trying to be respectful while also trying to show them just how naive they have been. You gotta ruffle their feathers and get them to look at their World-View truly objectively. Though I do try to be somewhat respectful at work.
As interesting as this all is and regardless of whether it's right or not, the people in support of this movement need to learn to communicate their messages in a way that isn't going to aleniate everyone but those already in support of it. The phrasing and presentation of that entire article is incredibly off-putting to anyone remotely skeptical about the position being promoted. The whole discussion so far gives off a very ''you're wrong, we're right, and we're better than you because of that.''

There's a reason that the mass media stuff you guys are criticizing is mass media and not underground like this movement - it's presented in a way that appeals to virtually everyone, so virtually everyone continues to buy it up.

The reason it is presented this way is because if you don't think the entire breakdown of modern society will happen then you are simply lying to yourself, or have not been presented enough information. The evidence is there.

Also guys, I did not write this. Mark Russell Berns is the author. I just found it on facebook and it is the best summary of current events I have seen.

How are you guys preparing for this?
The needed changes will come. Necessity is the mother of invention. Things will become obsolete, and other things will replace them. It's not the end of the world, it's many things ending and many things beginning simultaneously. We are at the beginning of the next industrial revolution.

Going green has become popular and economically viable. Things are headed in the right direction, even if some of it is silly or purely symbolic right now, at least people are enthusiastic to make a difference. Currency will evolve because it has to. Change will be swift in some areas and gradual in others. War and famine aren't likely to disappear anytime soon, as much as we'd all like to see that happen.

In other words, it's business as usual in human history. It's happening all around us...
"Going green has become popular and economically viable."

Now tell it to Stephen Harper.

Awesome post, PostMortem, I'm glad you had the insight to post this here.
The needed changes will come. Necessity is the mother of invention. Things will become obsolete, and other things will replace them. It's not the end of the world, it's many things ending and many things beginning simultaneously. We are at the beginning of the next industrial revolution.

Going green has become popular and economically viable. Things are headed in the right direction, even if some of it is silly or purely symbolic right now, at least people are enthusiastic to make a difference. Currency will evolve because it has to. Change will be swift in some areas and gradual in others. War and famine aren't likely to disappear anytime soon, as much as we'd all like to see that happen.

In other words, it's business as usual in human history. It's happening all around us...

It takes about 30 years to change an energy infrastructure. Oil is STILL our go to energy source and it peaked in 2005. Cheap oil is almost GONE. Why do you think we are increasing off shore drilling and trying to drill in the arctics? Because our reserves are depleted so now we have to take on higher risks to get oil.

Also the governments debts are becoming too high for the monetary system to continue working. There is more debt than there is money. In the next 6-12 months will we begin to see hyperinflation as the governments just do the only thing they know how to do when a crisis arrives. Print more money. Look at the trillion dollar Greece bail out! It isn't even coming close to working. How many more bail outs can they dish out?
It takes about 30 years to change an energy infrastructure. Oil is STILL our go to energy source and it peaked in 2005. Cheap oil is almost GONE. Why do you think we are increasing off shore drilling and trying to drill in the arctics? Because our reserves are depleted so now we have to take on higher risks to get oil.

Also the governments debts are becoming too high for the monetary system to continue working. There is more debt than there is money. In the next 6-12 months will we begin to see hyperinflation as the governments just do the only thing they know how to do when a crisis arrives. Print more money. Look at the trillion dollar Greece bail out! It isn't even coming close to working. How many more bail outs can they dish out?

You're right, cheap oil is almost up, but there's enough shit in the Alberta tar sands to produce 3 million barrels a day for 170 years - we just have to pay more than we're doing now.

Your second comment though... that's not how economics works. The debt really isn't a huge deal - everyone owes everyone else money, and it just gets shifted around.

That's all governments know how to do when a financial crisis hits? Are you completely forgetting that when Reagen left office, there was virtually zero inflation globally?

Printing more money alone is a stupid idea, but I'd bet money that we're not going to see hyperinflation in 6-12 months. And if I'm wrong, I won't owe you much. :lol:
You're right, cheap oil is almost up, but there's enough shit in the Alberta tar sands to produce 3 million barrels a day for 170 years - we just have to pay more than we're doing now.

Your second comment though... that's not how economics works. The debt really isn't a huge deal - everyone owes everyone else money, and it just gets shifted around.

That's all governments know how to do when a financial crisis hits? Are you completely forgetting that when Reagen left office, there was virtually zero inflation globally?

Printing more money alone is a stupid idea, but I'd bet money that we're not going to see hyperinflation in 6-12 months. And if I'm wrong, I won't owe you much. :lol:

Well let me tell you that the earth uses 89.5 million barrels of oil PER DAY. The Alberta tar sands 3 million barrels won't do shit. And it will be used in Canada before anywhere else anyway!!

And sorry but in a fiat monetary system the money will always come around to equal it's initial value. ZERO.