Underoath live studio stream


Oct 13, 2009
Latrobe Valley, Australia.

So I don't think this has been posted yet(if it has, it didn't show up when i searched)
But Underoath is streaming them in the studio.
Although I am unsure whether the sound is working, or even if its meant to have sound.
At least I'm not getting sound.

Well anyone interested, here is the link!

Too bad it's their last day in the studio. They've disabled the sound because they don't want to give away things off the album! I understand and respect why they did that, but a lot of people don't :/
Yeah sorry dudes!

Wish I found out about this when they started doing it.
Bit of a let down.

And all the studio blog videos they have up are just like teaser videos of them talking.

Keen for this album though, keen to hear what spencer does with cleans and what the new drummer brings to the mix.
I read an interveiw with them somewhere, or maybe it was one of the studio vids, but they mentioned that it is sounding alot different. Sounds like underoath, but not the underoath everyone knows. Lot's of converge, deftones type influence. or so they say. I'm excited