Underworld Gig


Brother of Metal
Nov 22, 2005
Northampton, England
What a great night that was!!

A great choice of setlist too! Near perfect!!

Thanks to all the Power Quest lads for being so friendly and performing so well, I think thats the best PQ gig i've been to! All of you looked like you were enjoying yourself on stage, thats great to see!

Soliloquy were good too! I'll have to look into them further. I didn't see much of Pagan's Mind, too busy at the bar... although I did catch the last few songs and they sounded good. I'd only heard a few of their songs before; the samples on their website and to be honest I wasn't that impressed.

Cheers to Tonberry, his sister, Carnifex and Darkstalker (I think thats the username!!) for being good company. Think Tonners has some photos! (Where did you run off to??)

Loved Children of the Dream especially. It was quite funny at the end with the Neverworld/Strikeforce arguement. I think I was the only one shouting 'Neverworld'. We got both! Fantastic stuff.

A great performance by Power Quest anyway, like I said earlier, its great to see a band enjoying themselves so much on stage!!

Good luck with the rest of the tour, too bad I cant make any more of the dates this week.

Jamie (Looseunit - the one from Northampton :D )
hehe no probs mate!! thanks for being good company yourself!! no idea where tonberry ran off to, but it was a superb night anyway. power quest having the perfect setlist, with a good balance of new and old tracks. i didnt catch much of pagans mind, but i saw them on saturday at prog power and didnt feel the need to sit through the same set again. kudos to soliloquy though, while i didnt see much of their set what i did see impressed me. my favourite song of the power quest set has to be sacred land, which is one of my all time favourite pq tracks. Looking forward to seeing you guys again soon and seeing the pics from last night!!!!

Totally awesome awesome set. It was a long'un too, no more 45 minute sets :D
I was really impressed with PQ, such a stage presence, and as Jamie said, really looking like you enjoyed yourselves - nearly as much as us! :loco:

Anyway, sorry I had to run guys, had to catch a train to meet another friend and then get home before last trains, so didn't manage to say goodbyes. I've got photos aplenty: enjoy!


I loved the look on Alessio's face when we chanted strike force! Priceless :err:


This hair just screams rock and roll :D I only just noticed that PQ sticker on Steve S's bass.




Yeah! You can actually see Francesco! :lol:


Steve! Steve! Steve! Steve! Steve! Steve! :rolleyes:


Andrea's guitar is awesome. Eat more Pasta for more Power!


Forum Crew!!!
Left to right:
Dragonwarrior, Tonberry, Carnifex, Darkstalker.
Haha!! I was wondering what we were all looking at! Gawd I look shit :D Nevermind, doing the crotch grab!

Charlie with his signature extra long middle finger.

Symphony looks like he's having a laugh!! Poor Alessio! No pictures of him!!

Hope you've all been practicing his... hand shake thing...
I've actually been in pain everytime i've moved my neck since monday

GORGEOUSNESS and GORGEOSITY combined is the only way i can describe that performance, loved it :p In case you were wondering, I was the random dude who turned up well early and sat down with you Tonberry.

I expected a bit more from Pagan's Mind. Through Osiris Eyes is a great song, but some others were a little... boring? the Guitarist made me laugh though, so all was good.

As much as I love Alessio, I didn't massively appreciate his leather-clad crotch in my face for an hour :p especially since it was bulging rather worryingly...

Soliloquy... i liked. I could barely hear the vocals and keyboards though (story of the whole night really)... and im still bitter that i didnt get bugs bunny, but still... i liked :headbang:

Where were Alessio and Francesco afterwards?? The other guys i saw but couldnt find them two. Probably :kickass: to busy drinking :p ah well, good show guys

Randomly stumbling across Vadim was a nice surprise, he's such a nice guy. He didn't seem to know where or when they were going to the next part of the tour though... thats slightly worrying. Ah well, looking forward to Dforce at Download.

Keep it Metal
See y'all at the next one
Haha! I think you may have been the guy I was shouting Neverworld at, and you were shouting Strikeforce back :D

Well we got both!! Bonus :D

Alessios crotch eh? To be honest I didn't spend too much time looking at it... just be glad he didn't get an erection eh.

Alessio and Francesco were both near the front of the venue by the bar... I spent most of my time out there during Pagan's Mind... Alessio is cool, although i've no idea what was with that clicking handshake!! Funny though!