
Dec 17, 2007
I have heard a lot about how there is little replay value on In a Flesh Aquarium. However, i still thoroughly enjoy this disc and find a great deal of replay value in it. Anyone else?

For the record, I realize it has been two years since its release.
pretty sure we've had threads about this, but yeah, it's a fun album

summoning scenes is cool
it has alot of replay value to me. as a matter of fact, i played it last week for 2/3 days straight. but i'm a sucker for abstract/post metal stuff
In A Flesh Aquarium is a bloody great album, with more replay value than most other albums due to it's insane complexity.
I usually love experimental/avant guard metal stuff but I really don't like this band. They sound really contrived and the operatic/gothic element annoys the crap out of me.
Great album. Far better than their first.

It may seem nonsensical if you don't give the album a chance, but their is definitely a method to their aesthetic of madness and I thoroughly enjoy it.