Unfinished/Abandoned/Unreleased Projects

First things first:
Hello, Neil, you are a god.
Actually, not.
But you are great with the knobs.
I salute you.

That out of the way, I wanted to ask you something...
Here, I have read the Labyrinth story (LINK), and also about Flotsam's Drift (LINK), so I was wondering are there some other such cases of unreleased finished mixes, or some projects abandoned half-way which are now illegally making their way into the legend...

By the way, I could not care less about Labyrinth, but Drift, while not my favorite Flots records (but a close second), certainly is their best sounding, and I am drooling all day long thinking about your original mixes... I think hearing those would be too much for my weak heart.

Anyway, feel free to add anything about these specific projects, or similar ones (if they exist-ed)...
Thank you.
Nothing new to add here really. I think I covered all the points regarding the Flots situation. We'll never know if the original mixes would have made any difference. I suspect that it's unlikely though, as the album sounds really good, just different from the original sonic concept, which did incorporate a lot more samples and electronics, a la Prong at that time.