Unnamed Intro tab?

i have a guitar pro tab someone on the cob board did (i forget who) but its so incomplete its not worth posting, its only got one guitar and about 2 sweeps and the single notes which you could figure out yourself easily.

Twas I. I might try some more later, now that I can SEE what Loomis is doing. I can post my incomplete one anyways until then (keep in mind, I'm no super tabber :erk:)


Btw- New CoB is aweful :cry:
Too late!

Also, with the awesome that is the G15 keyboard, I have one of the G keys mapped to open a firefox window with all my forums at once, one opens news sites, and one opens porn.
Well hell, I could have told you that before it came out.


haha, no shit! HCDR was very good but the sound just changed so much after AYDY- the vocals, melodies, riffs, creativity, etc. Too bad, still looking forward to the new album. :p

Anyone want to add/correct to my tab? I would like to have a backing track for this.