Unofficial "This ain't no shit"! Thread


Father Figure
May 14, 2003
South Carolina
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I've read a lot of strange shit on this site so let's see what you've really got. the first story, which first appeared in the "official-unofficial thread", is an example of what this thread is about.

reminds me of the time i set this asshole up for a real fall. we were all supposed to be doing acid at a friends house but the asshole was the only one really doing any. we waited until it really kicked in and when he closed his eyes i put a tarantula on his face. when he opened them he freaked, jumped up, and ran out of the house screaming. we all went outside laughing our asses off and watched him run around the yard for several minutes. i went back inside, picked up the spider, and put it away. he came back into the house looking for spiders. we said "what spiders". then the smell hit us. he had shit his pants. it made a great story back at school.

i know that some of you gotta have some good stories
Well yesterday was my last day of school, and now I'm officially a senior. You know what the new seniors do to the new freshmen on the last day of school?

Hint: Dazed and Confused

Yeah, and I made a fire and burnt my AP American History book because it's the devil.
And hear I thought my Thread was suitably obscure and ambiguous enough that no one could use it to make ANY other 'official' or 'unofficial' thread!! :yell:


In case you'd missed the point, my 'Official' Unofficial thread was designed to take the piss out of other 'official' threads. :cry:
ok.. so this is my history... and its true.. so, this ain't no shit!!!

A few years ago, i was watching a movie, drinking a few beers and eating tacos... naked. So i tought, what could happend if put a drop of lemon on the tip of my penis.... so.. i went for it.. and it huuuuurt!! a lot.. damn..

so i tought... i will never do this again. and i haven't so far.

i think i was drunk... or something...