Emoticon interpretation game

^Chris you shouldn't describe your own emoticons :p, you should desribe the emoticons of the person above you :)

so I'll give yours a go
chris-o-fer said:

You're crazyyyyy!!!!!!, I hate you, You're crazyyyyy...then again I am too
Ok, Falconspirit, let me continue by describing your last ones.

Falconspirit said:

My prof gave me a horrible mark on my essay.
That is only because he is closeminded.
Society has brainwashed him and made him its drone, obviously.
Oh well, I know other teachers and profs who have appreciated my views, and flatter me with compliments that are sometimes embarrassing.
Aye, well c'est la vie.

:yell: :heh: :lol: :eek: :erk:
Jesus doesn't love me!
Allah wants nothing to do with me!
Buddha doesn't want to be my friend!
Vajrakumara won't protect me!
The local cult won't let me participate in their mass suicide!
Where the FUCK DO I TURN?!
Fuck religion, it's a crock.

:zzz: :) :p :tickled: :yuk: :loco:
That guy is hot.
Maybe I can get his number.
Sweet, he SO gave it to me.
We'll see where this goes.
This guy seems too good for me though.

:muahaha: :o :confused: :rolleyes: :(
Solefald just came out with a new album.
Am totally excited to hear it.
Naturally I know it's going to rock.
Those boys know what they're doing.
In Flames, however, do not.

:notworthy :bah: :grin: :yell: :)
You're really very smart
(Yeah..as if I don't know you're fake)
Oh no no, I was just saying how cool you are
Why won't you leaveeeeeeee
Thank God he's gone

:yuk: :yell: :yuk: :ill: :tickled: :grin: