Unorthodox lyrics question


Mar 12, 2005
Russia, Omsk
There are many missing lines un "Unorthodox" booklet.
Please help me to understand what Dan growls in song "Enigma" in this part:

Deep inside, the unknown quest,
the sphere is so depressed,
a harp with broken strings,
?????????????????????????? (may be "and angel has lost his wings")
???????????? from the ground,
this mazy world do still exist,
the ghouls arise from the mist.
Fom the vinyl lrics sheet:

And the angel lost its wings
Disinterment of sacred secrets
exemption from the ground
this mazy world do still exist
Thank you very much!! :rock:

Strange, that vinyl booklet has it and cd don't!! :erk:

And please explain me what does mean word "blash", that appears in 1st track??? I cant find it in any English-Russian dictionary.:confused: