Unpleasant and Controversial


I'm your Huckleberry
Sep 29, 2002
Urban Sprawl, GA
Just thought this might be of interest, though I'm certain its a controversial subject for some. In response to many nations' downplaying of the PLO's role in terrorising the Israeli population, and in responding somewhat laxadaisically about suicide bombings and such things, Israel has released video footage of the aftermath of thursday's suicide bombing by palestinian terrorists...its extremely graphic and disturbing, and I think just what some people need to understand exactly what is being dealt with, and why, really, Sharon and Israel should be supported 100%. If it was happening in Atlanta, Georgia or Paris or London I'm sure no one would question the use of force against these people.


Its at the top of the page under MFA Newsflash...its been iffy because I think its been getting hit with alot of traffic with all the news coverage - and its a damn big file, too...
A bit too heavy a topic? Sorry in advance! :wave:
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Of course completely forgetting and downplaying Israel's illegal annexation and occupation of Palestinian land......not to mention the use of tanks and jet fighters to strafe civilian areas......collective punishment......and so on, and so on......Sharon is a war criminal for his participation in the murder of many innocent civilians in the Lebanon in the 70's, as well.
Israel continues to defy UN resolutions (something Iraq was attacked for, allegedly) pertaining to the occupied territories, and with the help of successive US administrations, continues to build and maintain chemical, biological and nuclear weapons arsenals which threaten the peace of the region, and the world.
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(I think I do this everytime I start posting here again at some point...start one of these things...o_O I have no problem with debate though!)

Please, as soon as Israel was re-established with the help of the US and Britain, the entire middle-east waged war on that tiny nation of already besieged people with the intent of "pushing them into the sea". They just for some reason couldn't get the better of this tony group of resilient people. I guess I don't get how some people have begun viewing the world so relativistically that there is sympathy for the mass of muslim terrorists (and yes, I am aware the majority of muslims in the world do not commit acts of terror) and very little for Israel. Israel has made so many efforts to appease the palestinian leadership, but every time, nothing is ever enough, and eventually there is another suicide bombing. Its pretty black and white, and I feel its hypocritical that my country, as much as we support Israel and the right for Jews to actually continue to exist as a race on Earth, continues to ask Israel to just take some more attacks, don't take out the PLO, have more restraint than we would ever have.

I'm aware that innocent people die as a casualty of war, I don't deny there is pain of both sides of the fence, but its plain to see where the problem lies, and my country has experienced the extent of real extremism that exists in some ideologies and how unrelenting it is in its fanaticism, many of us are aware that no words will ever be enough, that someone whose life has no value to them but in death is bound by no treaties and doesn't answer to civilized diplomacy. You lose three-thousand civilian people in a day and it hardly takes a week for people in these insulated nanny-states across the ocean (not a shot at anyone in particular) to say we had it coming for being too much like cowboys or some such nonsense. Nothing will ever please the UN, so I think they should pull a W and do what's best for their people and end this already.

The post-modernist would say this is just another painful part of societal evolution, that everything is just a social movement, its all relative and and looking at things from that standpoint Israel wields inordinate power. These terrorists are just stifled and this is their way of making their particular poilitical/social statement - doesn't matter how/why/what - its all relative. I say that's nonsense, and you can't just sit on the fence with everything and take this metrosexual approach to life and death and right and wrong. Israel has stepped up to the plate when its been asked of them - nearly every time especially in recent times. I just don't see the argument...
I wasn't for a moment saying the palestinians are blameless either - but how would you feel if a few million people lobbed in your country and the biggest, most powerful nations on earth said....."This is their home now, deal with it"!

The fact that the US continually turns a blind eye to Israeli aggression and the fact that they actually DO threaten other nations with WMD's doesn't really endear them to many millions in the world.
Abou, I'm familiar with alot of this, and Schoenman is on the ABSURD left wing fringe - his conspiracy theories are on a level with the Bohemian Grove, MK-Ultra and UFO cover-ups, but thousands of times as distasteful and disrespectful towards those people who lost their lives to the 9/11 terror attacks, and he has no credibility. I have heard a fair amount of this 'Truth of Zionism' nonsense, you can find plenty of it on any white supremacist neo nazi website. Hell, they'll tell you themselves to your face, they've tried to recruit me in the short time i've lived in Atlanta where they have a presence (don't ask...I got blindsided by a chick who led me into a 'party' that was really a recruitment get together where I was confronted by a bunch of these nazi morons like it was good cop bad cop...weird, unsettling experience). Its funny that the Socialists and Communists have taken up the same arguments that the neo-nazis have been mouthing for decades, but the libs OWN civil and human rights, don't they? :Smug:

The real conspiracy is one on the part of the left wing who seeks political change, especially in America. American-style republicanism is the devil to all those who believe in the marxist cause. The only reason Cuba hasn't worked better, or that the USSR was a morgue rather than a paradise was because of American capitalism and enterprise. Whether intentional or no, I see behind alot of these slanderers who want to paint America as this great world destroying force an effort to topple American strength, independence and sovereignty. Its no wonder so many of them were foaming at the mouth for Dean, he was just the type of lackey to crawl like a dog and lick the UN's hand. Too bad most of these socialist types don't even bother to vote - they just like to show up to WTO meetings and destroy private property and hurt people's businesses.

I am myself a Christian who respects Zionism and feels a kinship with the Jews, and I also respect the rights of all people to believe how they wish. I have a couple friends who happen to be muslim, one of whom is from Pakistan, and luckily he and I discuss stuff like this without anyone losing their cool whatsoever, so i've heard plenty of the different sides of this argument - but a person of Jewish descent who is an extreme Marxist and therefore probably an athiest I doubt feels too much kinship with Jews. You really can't be a devoted marxist and be too concerned about something that makes you an individual, now can you? I really don't see him as a credible source for anything.
I do not know why I am responding to this because you obviously have a one dimensional view on this but here it goes.

First off, he is not taking away from those who lost their lives in 9-11. He, like many, have stated the cause of 9-11 to the US government's ability to ruin almost every foreign body it touches.

With what was represented in Schoenman's book, try proving it wrong. I dare you. Go find evidence that Israel never did those things to other Palestinians. And it is so easy to go blame the woes of other people on the "radical left" but when you do a little research it is not the left's fault. The USSR and other countries were not communist. They were totalitarian dictatorships and considering the course America is on with Bush, a little political change would not be so bad.
Who are the US and Britain to go and establish a country in the middle of another one anyway?
If they wanted to give the jews some land to settle in they should have done so in Arizona or Yorkshire and not in some land that doesn't even belong to them, that's why the arabs attacked Israel since the beginning, the state of Israel should not even exist.
Nightwing said:
I wasn't for a moment saying the palestinians are blameless either - but how would you feel if a few million people lobbed in your country and the biggest, most powerful nations on earth said....."This is their home now, deal with it"!
Right, and I'm not suggesting that no Jew has ever done wrong, but its crystal clear to me who has put forth the effort for any sort of peace in recent times, and who has smiled and gone along with it while pretending not to notice the guy strapped with bombs sneaking past to go blow up a pizza hut. Lets also not forget that it was the Europeans, the Romans, who took the Jews home from them in the first place, changed its name to Palestine and eventually dispersed many Jews because of their damned tendency to try and gain freedom from Roman rule. Really, there is no such thing as a native Palestinian unless we are talking about Jews/Israelis. And again, considering certain folks in europe felt it was alright to exterminate the Jewish race, to get them off that continent, where should they go??? Many of these middle-eastern nations were set up in a half-assed manner by the Brits after the Turks were defeated in the first place.

The fact that the US continually turns a blind eye to Israeli aggression and the fact that they actually DO threaten other nations with WMD's doesn't really endear them to many millions in the world.
Weapons of Mass Destruction, while unpleasant as any aspect of warfare, have been invented and will continue to be made - its just a fact of existence, they aren't going to go away if we all join hands and sing Beatles songs and 'throw down our arms' like so many are in favor of. Our enemies will not be impressed, they will not shower us with pretty flowers, they will take advantage of the opening and send one right up our tailpipe. The US having nuclear weapons, or Israel or the UK having them is not the same as Saddam Hussein having them. Pointing out that the US has WMDs really saying nothing, because WMDs are not the problem. The problem is intent, purpose, why you have them.
Thanatos said:
Who are the US and Britain to go and establish a country in the middle of another one anyway?
If they wanted to give the jews some land to settle in they should have done so in Arizona or Yorkshire and not in some land that doesn't even belong to them, that's why the arabs attacked Israel since the beginning, the state of Israel should not even exist.
Well, Britain was the main country to dismantle the Turkish empire, for one...oh, and they created alot of those middle eastern nations at the same time...
Ah, so the crux of the issue to you is it is ok to have WMD's, as long as it is the 'bad guys' that are threatened with them.....again, forgetting that at least half the world (actually, more) thinks that Bush is the bad guy - who are you or I to say they are wrong?

Bush is a born again Christian fundamentalist who thinks that 'God' has told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq - what on Earth could be more dangerous than that?

You are also espousing the 'guns don't kill people, people kill people' theory - fair enough, but I for one do not trust Bush or Sharon any more than I would trust Hussein with WMD's - Bush went outside the law and simply used the 'might is right' scenario to invade a sovereign country that had made no threats, said it had no WMD's and was telling the truth, in the process killing some 6000 innocent Iraqis, as well as an estimated 20,000 Iraqi soldiers......dumping some 60 tonnes of depleted uranium on the country just for good measure.

How does that make Bush any less of a lunatic than Hussein, Kim Jong-Il, or anyone else?
Answer - it doesn't. He is a looney. We are far less safe now than we were before the invasion of Iraq, no question. He heas no idea what to do with the ethnic minorities now battling for power in Iraq, no idea how to quell the guerilla insurgence. and no idea what the hell he is talking about with this 'war on terror' nonsense.

He should wage war on himself, as the US is the primary source of terror around the globe......in the form of nuclear, chemical, biological and conventional weapons sales, CIA funding of pro-US puppet governments, unfair and often devastating economic sanctions on countries that can least afford it, and the constant demonisation of Muslims on a hourly and daily basis.
Wandrail said:
Lets also not forget that it was the Europeans, the Romans, who took the Jews home from them in the first place, changed its name to Palestine and eventually dispersed many Jews because of their damned tendency to try and gain freedom from Roman rule. Really, there is no such thing as a native Palestinian unless we are talking about Jews/Israelis. And again, considering certain folks in europe felt it was alright to exterminate the Jewish race, to get them off that continent, where should they go??? Many of these middle-eastern nations were set up in a half-assed manner by the Brits after the Turks were defeated in the first place.
Well, that's the way history is written, wars happen, countries disappear and so on, so what if the jews lost their land a few thousand years ago and were almost exterminated 50 years ago? The english settlers did the same thing to native americans and I don't see the US or Brittish governments handing them California, Texas and New Mexico, or giving them billions in financial aids, but then again, the native americans don't help establish Western hegemony or do USA's dirty work in their region.
Ugh, getting late...what have I done? :erk:

Abou said:
I do not know why I am responding to this because you obviously have a one dimensional view on this but here it goes.
My view is only as one dimensional as yours - crying 'closed mindedness' is a cop-out. I think its much worse to not have an opinion, you know...

First off, he is not taking away from those who lost their lives in 9-11. He, like many, have stated the cause of 9-11 to the US government's ability to ruin almost every foreign body it touches.
Its funny that it seems we're holding half of the dangerous parts of the world together all by ourselves, then. And Schoenman is a proponent of the theory that previous administrations were about the business of planning these terror attacks against their own people, that's what he's getting at, and that is absurd. There is no 'evidence' of any of that, no matter how you twist vague quotes or use biased media sources on your side of the fence. I think Clinton was a dangerous man to have in office because his own thirst for power is what drove him, and that comes at the cost of my freedom as an American, but I do not think for a moment he was complicit in allowing the '93 attempted bombing of the WTC. I think, again, that Schoenman is using this event to further his political agenda through propaganda, and he has been about that for a looong time. That cheapens every life lost. Maybe he really believes what he's saying, I don't know, but if he does, he's about as deranged Goebbels.

With what was represented in Schoenman's book, try proving it wrong. I dare you. Go find evidence that Israel never did those things to other Palestinians. And it is so easy to go blame the woes of other people on the "radical left" but when you do a little research it is not the left's fault. The USSR and other countries were not communist. They were totalitarian dictatorships and considering the course America is on with Bush, a little political change would not be so bad.
Well, much like how Chomsky selects only the nasty sounding pieces of american policy to highlight his rantings, therefore painting a picture that is 100% bad, Schoenman's nazi-esque indictment of the Jews is like sifting through a white sandy beach and finding a jarfull of black sand granules. You could then show that jar to someone and tell them you went to a beach with black sand and well, you wouldn't be lying necessarily, the evidence is right there, but you wouldn't be telling the whole truth. They will likely picture a totally black beach, and you would let them because well...that would be more interesting. Its misdirection and artful use of facts in the pursuit of an agenda. But i'll look into his claims!

The USSR was communist, just because a communist government inherently becomes a totalitarian state doesn't change the fact. That is exactly a communist government. And the difference between national socialism and communism is an exercise in semantics - about as different as a labrador retriever from a collie. Why is it, also, that its never pointed out that Saddam's Baathist regime was fascist?? The Baathists are derived from views set forth by Mussolini, and many view nazism with continued sympathy. But America is what's wrong with the world. America is going to continue this course, and I'm glad for it. A catalyst for democracy in the middle east has been needed for too long, and that's what the new Iraq will be. The people in that part of the world will finally have a choice in how they live and what they think, and from a change of mind and heart is where the possibility for peace comes in, IMO.
Nightwing said:
Ah, so the crux of the issue to you is it is ok to have WMD's, as long as it is the 'bad guys' that are threatened with them.....again, forgetting that at least half the world (actually, more) thinks that Bush is the bad guy - who are you or I to say they are wrong?
Because its not relative, and if it has to be 'you versus me' in this world because of differences between nations that are even supposed to be allies at the end of the day, then its going to go back to that, and we'll lose any progress as a global society that we thought we had made in the last century or so. If people are so sure as to place the blame on America for defending its people (and a good leader doesn't defend the people by letting them get killed again and again, only reacting to attacks so the world stage feels retaliation is justified - defeats the damn purpose!) then there's nothing we can do about them. We shouldn't make our decisions based on other people's criteria and motives in our private lives or public ones.

Bush is a born again Christian fundamentalist who thinks that 'God' has told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq - what on Earth could be more dangerous than that?
Well, you're speaking form an anti-Christian point of view, which by the way you can have just fine and dandy, but its lacking understanding. Bush does not feel he has been given a divine revelation to send his armies forth 'and conquer'. He has never used that kind of speech, never called Muslims 'the great satan' although the inverse has happened routinely, and he has made every motion and plea to show Muslims we are not about another Crusade. Because Bush is a christian and wears it on his sleeve, appealing to the vast number of americans who share his faith, I feel he is attacked, especially by the left who dislike all religion - nothing should be bigger than government, you know. I think the fear is that he will inspire people to explore religion more, where the left has been so successful in secularising all of society - including private institutions, through their infiltration of the media, education system and rights groups. What you are suggesting is the opposite of fundamentalist christian thinking. If its fundamental, then it would be Christ-like, and Christ laid down his life for others, he sacrificed.

You are also espousing the 'guns don't kill people, people kill people' theory - fair enough, but I for one do not trust Bush or Sharon any more than I would trust Hussein with WMD's - Bush went outside the law and simply used the 'might is right' scenario to invade a sovereign country that had made no threats, said it had no WMD's and was telling the truth, in the process killing some 6000 innocent Iraqis, as well as an estimated 20,000 Iraqi soldiers......dumping some 60 tonnes of depleted uranium on the country just for good measure.
Fair enough, yes, I can empathise with your distrust, but who do you trust? Out of curiosity, considering, say, that the Chinese who are guilty of horrendous human rights violations and totalitarianism sport alot of French made electronics in their military, among others? To what law is the USA beholden to that you speak of? Bill Clinton - the opposite of George Bush - the guy eeeveryone loves around the world - made the case for the removel of Hussein and for the belief that he continued to seek and potentially manufacture weapons he was not to be allowed. Saddam played games with the regulations he was supposed to follow all throughout the 90's - maybe he should have read the boy who cried wolf? Clinton saw fit to bomb Hussein a bit and go into the Balkans without consulting the almighty Kofi Annan, as well, you know, but they never seemed to have a problem...I wonder why? As far as innocent lives being lost - always regrettable, sometimes necessary. I doubt any marxist would disagree, though for a different reason. The end justifies the means, right?

We are far less safe now than we were before the invasion of Iraq, no question. He heas no idea what to do with the ethnic minorities now battling for power in Iraq, no idea how to quell the guerilla insurgence.
Well, I think that's an awful lot of insight being made into a situation without any experience in it, which is something I guess everyone does. Considering things are going much better there than they did in Germany after WWII, and that the battle of the ethnic groups is something that was closer to a slaughter under Hussein, I don't see it as any sort of failure. My Father happens to be in Iraq for almost a year now, and he's nearly been hit by a mortar blast, he's woken up to RPG fire hitting the wall of their encampment where he's stationed, he's seen the negative aspects of the upheaval that has taken place, and he's also told me about the great things that are happening, especially for the children there. Iraqis, much like the Russians, have alot to get used to with this newfound future. Its condescending to treat them like savages who won't be able to figure this stuff out and rise above the mess they've been locked into with no choice for decades. It will be interesting to see what the country becomes.

He should wage war on himself, as the US is the primary source of terror around the globe......in the form of nuclear, chemical, biological and conventional weapons sales, CIA funding of pro-US puppet governments, unfair and often devastating economic sanctions on countries that can least afford it, and the constant demonisation of Muslims on a hourly and daily basis.
No, the demonization of terrorists, I recognize a difference. I don't see a problem with helping those who help us, that's called a good foreign policy decision and making alliances. The problem I think people have is that the US refuses to be a puppet. But hey - I'm going to bed, its past 1am...didn't expect to spark such a heated debate necessarily, but what the hell. :D
Wandrail said:
Bush does not feel he has been given a divine revelation to send his armies forth 'and conquer'.
From the Cheneys' public Christmas card (known usually for a "light" message), quoting Ben Franklin:

"And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?"
Thanatos said:
Well, that's the way history is written, wars happen, countries disappear and so on, so what if the jews lost their land a few thousand years ago and were almost exterminated 50 years ago? The english settlers did the same thing to native americans and I don't see the US or Brittish governments handing them California, Texas and New Mexico, or giving them billions in financial aids, but then again, the native americans don't help establish Western hegemony or do USA's dirty work in their region.
There is alot of misinformation about dealings between the natives and the colonials. There was a great deal of respect for them among the new Americans for a large part - and there are plenty of popular writings from that time talking about how the Indians had 'outdone the Romans' in establishing a free form of society, and many found it to be an insight into what early european tribal societies might have been like. Various complications ensued, and wrong and right can be called on both sides - many Indians screwed each other over in the process when they stood to benefit from the situation. Tribes warred against each other and the new settlers. It was not a passive nation of people versus invaders as some would like to chalk it up to - there was peace there, too. Native Americans get all kinds of tax breaks and other benefits and are allowed ways to make money sort of outside the system, but I don;t think that's necessarily the best thing, it sounds kind of cheap to me. I think they should get off the reservation and take advantage of the system and see their own desires and goals met the way everyone else can. There is no reason why this can't be their nation at this point - its everyone elses, judging by the people I see everytime I walk out the front door. Hell, if they want California, they should run for office. The Mexicans have. :lol: The Austrians have, even...
Lina said:
From the Cheneys' public Christmas card (known usually for a "light" message), quoting Ben Franklin:

"And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?"
I think you misunderstand the use of the language there...he means that a nation cannot prosper without it being allowed by God, because everything, in a way, is allowed by God. it goes along with what Christ said about obeying laws, whcih was to obey your kings and leaders to the best of your abilities because they are there by God's allowance as much as their own hands. It is not a Constantinian vision of a fiery cross in the sky and our troops being ordered to paint crosses on their helmets as a 'magical' talisman against the enemy, who being naughty in his sight shall snuff it. This is typical, inspiring language typical of Ben Franklin, on eof the most brilliant men to have lived and a founder of our nation and perhaps the archetype for the American mindset and personality. Not out of place for the VP, I don't think...(besides, I doubt men of power advertise devious ambitions on christmas cards)
Wandrail said:
I think you misunderstand the use of the language there...he means that a nation cannot prosper without it being allowed by God, because everything, in a way, is allowed by God.
Riiiight. So God isn't decreeing that the U.S. become more imperialistic, he's merely allowing it? That's very considerate of him. Excuse me -- Him.
My point is that you've taken the quote out of context. Its a quote about the nature of God in all things, not about imperial conquest, which is pretty fitting for the times we live in, especially for the Veep at Christmastime.
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Wandrail said:
My point is that you've taken the quote out of context. Its a quote about the nature of God in all things, not about imperial conquest, which is pretty fitting for the times we live in, especially for the Veep at Christmastime.
So then, it's just a coincidence that Cheney et al chose a quote specifically regarding imperialism? They could've just as easily chosen a quote about the pretty stars in the sky?
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