unsneapish -no TS, no sm57.

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
Today I was reamping some riffs through different cabs, different mics, different amps, with and without TS...just to broaden the range of guitartones I like and getting to know the Marshall cab better (I'm actually loving it now)

here's one with the Mesa Cab though....no Tubescreamer, no sm57 so I guess most of the sneapsers won't like it too much since it's pretty untypical sounding I guess...
I do kinda like it (depending on the musical context it coulod be in of course)


(bass might be a tad too loud).
I like it. It's nice to hear something a little different, and it's good to hear more love coming for Marshall cabs. On so many other forums people despise them and I can't really figure out why.

The amp doesn't really seem like it's crying out for a tubescreamer here, which is a good thing and is often hard to achieve without having an overly wet sound.

I'd love to hear this in a mix, because I think it'd sound huge.

Good stuff. :)
I'm REALLY digging that sound. I'm one of the few people (OK - at least the few Sneapsters) who is not really a HUGE SM57 fan when it comes to guitar cabs. Lasse - you were the guy who actually got me gassing for an M201, and this clips isn't helping me resist! Before your tone tests, I'll be honest in saying that I had never even heard of that mic before, especially in it's use on a guitar cab.

Great tone - I really dig it. It doesn't have that excessive "crispness" that the SM57 usually brings, so it sounds a lot smoother to me. I bet it would slay in a mix.


yup, it's the Recto

I haven't heard much about the 201 myself before I got it....I just read somewhere (known producer" that the 201 sounds like the 57 should sound.
although I don't really agree with that statement (cause the 57 is my favorite mic) I thought it'd be kinda interesting to try one.

what I like about it that if you mic and amp that's boosted with a TS with the 201 it kinda sounds like the mix between TS and no TS in front of a sm57 miced amp...
well, that was oddly worded, lol...
what I mean is: most of the time amps need a TS (at least for the modern metal), I sometimes feel that the TS take a cunthair too much bass and adds a cunthair too much mids when miced with a 57...in that cases I like the 201 because it sounds just like a 57 with a bit less TS.

I'd still say the 57 is my fav mic but the m201 is definitely a nice option. for Snare I prefer it to the 57