Upcoming album




Just one question to everyone...

How would YOU like the upcoming Saxon album (whenever that is) to sound like?

Personally I think that there is time for a slight change of direction. Dogs of War, Unleash the Beast (partly), Metalhead and Killing Ground all represent the heavier Saxon we´ve got used to from the 90´s and onwards, excellent albums everyone of them as well, BUT I must say that with Killing Ground Saxon have repeated themselves one time too much. It feels like you have heard several of these songs before, and the overall impression of Killing Ground is that this album is far too "safe" to be really creative.

I would like more focus on melody and less focus on riffs, the latter which unfortunately from Dogs of war and onwards have been infected with a slight touch of the new so called metal that appeared from the early 90´s and forth. What about the classic riffs from Princess of the night, Denim and leather, Heavy metal thunder, Midas touch, Call of the wild and Rock the nations etc., songs that ALSO got great meolodies.


Nah would have to disagree. I think melodies have had their day and it reminds me too much of the destiny album. I think Saxon could and should go heavier. The metalhead album is dark but it could go darker, without being thrashy and turning Saxon into something they are not.

Getting another singer in to rap would be good as well. And how about a DJ? Calm down everybody, I'M ONLY JOKING!


I would like one similar to the last lot! All of them since Dogs are Fookin' ace and they all have loads of melody and great riffs as well.
I found Metalhead a bit dark and heavy to start with but bar the few dodgy tracks (Piss Off) it is great.
Mix the best of all these albums and you've got a killer album on its way! :)

I really like Killing Ground. I love the sound and it's a complete album with no weak tracks. So, I'm hoping they stay on that path...And for a long, long time...
(Great interview, as always, with Biff. The man seems to have a great sense of humour. Four kids...Hard to imagine...)

Some confessions...

Although I started this topic i must say, after listening to Killing ground a couple of times more, that this album isn´t that infected with new "metal" as I remembered. In fact it contains some brilliant songs, and the balance between heavy riffs and melody is almost perfect. Must have had a bad day the last time I listened to it :)

Saxon last few albums have been a great mix of melody and heaviness. I can't go a day with listening to Killing Ground. And Metalhead is a true classic.

Recently I was able to get ripped copies of Destiny, Rock The Nations and Innocense. After listening to those albums one thing came to my mind. Saxon are a better band now then they were when those albums were recorded. "Nations" is a solid Metal album and right now I can't stop listening to "Innocense". My wife is getting pretty tired of Saxon. But she seemed to like stuff off of "Innocense" more then anything else. Destiny is OK. I need to really give it a few more spins.

Saxon aren't living off their past glories. They are putting out quality material and are a great live band. Should they experiment with their sound? Putting out something alittle different would be fine. But drastically changing their style the way Metallica did with the LOAD albums is definitely a step in the wrong direction. Maybe 1 or 2 tracks of something off the wall, but not an entire album. Either way I will buy it.

I think Killing Ground is a great album but it is missing on vital ingredient. The next album should have more bondage, drugs, prossies and I'm sure Dickie will agree, a cameo from Pat "Bomber" Roach!!!!!

Nice, niiiiiiiiiicccccccccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeee

Hopefully,it will go BACK to the Saxon sound of Long Arm of the Law and Denim and Leather.But,anything they do will be Saxon in itself.I'll grab it.I just think Biff's voice is unique and NONE like him.

Although I can't speak on the so called darker period albums, Ala metal head, unleash having never heard them I don't think it's a question of style change, because there is no mistaking that SAXON sound, Feel that it comes thru in anything or style that they play.

Example, Court of the crimson king having grown up listening to the original I never thought they would cover a song such as that or ride like the wind for that matter they just put that Saxon touch to the songs that they do, so for me as long as they don't try to do a Limp Bizkit or a Korn thing like the introduction of a DJ or a turntable and stay true to what they do best and that is make unpretentious ASS Kicking Rock I will accept whatever it is the want to play. :)

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