Upcoming Gatekeeper gigs

Not at all. I really like Gatekrashor even though they won't put out CD's an I really want to see Gatekeeper live. I really enjoyed the CD.

Seeing Iron Kingdom would be cool. The vocals kill them for me.
No, LOL...
I mean on behalf of Jeff in creating a thread pimping his band after you made your comments about me making one for Ancient Dreams gigs...
Yes, but I think the sarcasm comes from the fact that no one on this board realistically is going to be able to attend the gigs.

The gigs I keep speaking of will be attended by folks on this forum.
GATEKEEPER has a new, more convenient domain name. You can access our blog page using the following:


Our triple gig attack (Farmaggeddon, Calgary, Edmonton) was a fucking blast. Was great to see our sets decently-attended and lots of energy throughout. Played two new songs which we will hopefully track before the end of summer. The folks from Iron Kingdom were great to hang out with and played their little asses off. Chris can really play that gee-tar. Bloodreich was also really awesome, singer was a dead-ringer for Eric Adams, even topped off their set with "Hail and Kill". GATEKRASHOR fucking ruled! Easily the best I'd ever seen them play. Check the blog page for some photos from the gigs.

In other news, we are fully stocked on the "Priestess of Delphi" shirts (see below) in sizes S-XXL. We will also have a rad announcement regarding a new release by the end of the week.

Labour day Studio Sessions
On Friday, August 30th Gatekeeper will enter the studio to record new music for a follow-up release. Three songs shall be recorded, they are called "Vigilance of the Guardian", "Angelus Noctium" and "The Bell of Tarantia". The upcoming tracks will be a different side of Gatekeeper, but pure Epic Heavy Metal from start to finish. Fans of "Prophecy & Judgement" will be pleasantly surprised. Folks who didn't like our debut probably will be as well. We are planning on using these tracks on a split release with another fine Epic Metal band from recent years. More details on that later.

Stay tuned for updates from the studio, as well as updates on the progress of our upcoming live album "A Shadow Over Calgarae" from Swords and Chains Records. Preorders shall start very soon.

Until then.