Upcoming releases

amorphis - silent waters

Your in luck, this album has already been released. I can gurantee you that you'll love it if you liked their last album.

The albums I'm looking forward to for the rest of this later half of the year are the new Arghoslent, Wolves in the Throne Room, Helloween, High on Fire, and Morbid Angel albums (that is, if Morbid Angel really is releasing an album this year). Drudkh I used to be excited for, but their EP ruined my excitement for their new album.
Meshuggah is different. I purchased Chaosphere a few weeks ago and it definitely grows on you. I haven't gotten to the point where I enjoy it immensely yet, but it's very complex, which is what I like about it.
You probably won't enjoy it immensely, and it's not something to listen to every day. It's simply clever music disguised as crappy pseudo-numetal, which is why people write it off. The reason they are interesting to me is because of their musical ideas: melodies cycling around and within seemingly incompatible rhythms and the use of such unusual time signatures have rarely been covered in metal.
You probably won't enjoy it immensely, and it's not something to listen to every day. It's simply clever music disguised as crappy pseudo-numetal, which is why people write it off. The reason they are interesting to me is because of their musical ideas: melodies cycling around and within seemingly incompatible rhythms and the use of such unusual time signatures have rarely been covered in metal.

I'll take your word on it. Been listening to Meshuggah for 3 years now and they don't do much for me still, can't wait for them to finally start growing on me.
I'm hanging out for the new Anathema and Orphaned Land (with Steven Wilson!) more than anything.

But also looking forward to Woods of Ypres, Limbonic Art, Drudkh and Wintersun.

Oh and how could I almost forget Augury and The Amenta. If the new Amenta album is any progression from Occasus, it's gonna be mindblowing.
New Arghoslent (I guess ... if its every released)

Didn't know about Averse Sefira, their last album was brilliant, so I'll check that out.

Aren't there also supposed to be new Primordial and / or The Chasm coming out this year? If so, I'd be looking forward to that.
I can't believe no one mentioned new Iced Earth!

Anyways I'm also excited for new Down, I honestly thought they were done, till I read this thread. So now I'm very much looking forward to both these albums.