Update from Jasun


Dec 7, 2002
I want to thank everyone for all their support towards Zero Hour…we really appreciate it and I hope to have some news for you very soon in regards to the release date.

I’ve been wanting to update everyone with more information on the Zero Hour progress but I’m having problems getting on the forum. This is what happens. I go into the forum, type up (ZHJ&T) and then my password and it would say ‘thank you for logging in’.... then it would proceed to take me to another page saying ‘I need to register’’. I don't understand this...I‘m just wondering if any of you have this problem and can help me find a solution. I’ve been having my g/f do updates for me on the forum because the password works on her computer (so u could see how this is frustrating for the band and myself). I registered on my own home computer and not hers..so the crazy thing is..she can get in and I cant??

I think Ultimate Metal is a great place to spread news about your band and I’m not putting them down but my g/f emailed them already (once under my name ZHJ&T and then under hers). We are awaiting a response..Thank you for any help you guys can supply us with.

P.S. I want to thank Buddah for doing a great job running the Zero Hour page and Ryan for doing a great job with Death Machine and my new page that just got up and running today www.jasuntipton.com. I want to thank everyone for buying the Seduction CD and hearing people say they enjoy it..it really means the world to me.

P.P.S. Spatch I want to thank you for sending me that CD with all that great material, that’s awesome of you bro! I’ve been meaning to let you know about all this, but as you can see I’ve been having problems getting on the forum and having problems with my arms with the tendonitis.

You all rule and we should have more news on 'A Fragile Mind' very soon.

I am glad that you enjoyed the CD I was wondering if you got it safely
Sorry to hear about the Tendonitis I had to change to guitar with a less faster neck as the neck used to cause my hands all kinds of problems and read that Ron from Spastic Ink had to change his technique to get a round his issues.
I also get problems sometimes on this server logging in.
P.P.S. Spatch I want to thank you for sending me that CD with all that great material, that’s awesome of you bro! I’ve been meaning to let you know about all this, but as you can see I’ve been having problems getting on the forum and having problems with my arms with the tendonitis.