Update on Everything / "The N.C." / Album Art

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.
Hello All!

Thanks for all the feedback! Like Dan Hulse has mentioned, what we have posted online is by no means the final mix, far from it in fact. It's just that after over two years in the works on a 15 track / 70 minute album, we became anxious to post some samples to prove to the world that these songs exist.

You can thank Dan Hulse (bass / backing vocals / recording) for getting "The Northern Cold" online for our Nov. 1st deadline. FYI - I've been 'out cold' with the flu all week... There will be more songs uploaded in the next week or so, including "Your Ontario Town is a Burial Ground", so check back!

Thanks again for all your interest! We can't wait to get this fucking album out there!!! Realistically, it will be out in Feb/March 2007.

David & the Woods... \w/

Here's some more album art for Woods 3 by Travis Smith:




absolutely beautiful Dave. And also, what sovietsurge said, are the last two drawn or are they pictures? And if they are pictures where about were they taken?
Stellar artwork. It resonates strongly as we move closer into winter. I would love to have a book of collected works from Travis Smith. The man is a talented artist. The song kicks ass to! Catchy and damn if I don't want to belt out the "I am at home in the Northern Cold!" part everytime I hear it. I don't blame you for wanting to get a sample of this album out for everyone to hear. It's really cool to see all the hardwork you and Dan have put into this album over the year culminating in an epic release for 2007!

I am sure the old castle krew and myself shall be attending the gig this december. It should be a very exciting night! Can't wait. :headbang: :kickass:
Yeah, the artwork is beautiful. And I really need to stop listening to the song. I've had it on almost nonstop since it was posted. Can't wait to hear the other tracks. And get better Dave.
Wow, this all rules. And yeah, just more anticipation for more new stuff, which I'm fine with :p Glad you put some new artwork up, I absolutely love it, sweet job.
zeleyou - I think I saw something about this in another thread but I can't find it right now-- but do you have a timeframe for starting pre-orders for the album?
All pre-order info will be online December 1st (we will be at a new address by then). With 'Woods 1' and 'Woods 2' totally out of print, all I can suggest is to help us out by ordering a copy of Woods 3, asap, when you can. We are pressing 1000 copies independently.