Update on Overlorde SR and Overlorde potential legal battle


Sep 30, 2005
An online petition has popped up on Change.org. Feel free to read the link below. It is full if the history of both bands and how stupid of a battle this is. Basically seems like one guy on a powertrip who isnt even currently doing anything with his band. While most may seem this isnt an important issue but what is to stop another band who didnt do much to stop another band from using thier name they had decades ago? Look at Rhaspody and Rhapsody of Fire. Stuff like this is not helping anybody. Feel free to read and sign. The worst part is that the Overlorde SR reissue is amazing and now people cant hear it unless you were smart enough to get it when it came out a few months back.

here is the link
Not trying to start trouble for you, but did you consider posting this on the PP forum?
Would be interesting to see the replies, considering Mark posts there.

Someone posted it there a few weeks back....no response from the Overlorde NJ guy. It is seriously the most asinine thing I've heard in months.
I read on Bravewords yesterday that the singer for the NJ band doesn't want anything to do with this lawsuit nonsense. Just in case we needed more convincing that the whole thing is one guy being an epic douche.