Update On Producer Andy Sneap

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
Producer ANDY SNEAP Offers Update On Upcoming Activities

Acclaimed British metal producer Andy Sneap has posted the following update via his official web site (www.andysneap.co.uk):

"Just finished mixing BLAZE live album which we tracked at Dudley JB's in December. I'm very happy with the end results, in some ways happier than the studio albums, which may see me approach some aspects differently with their next record.

"Got back from Dusseldorf today, where I've been in Essen for the last week going through, editing etc live KREATOR stuff for their forthcoming live album and DVD. [KREATOR mainman] Mille is having a tough time editing video footage but finally it's coming together. I'm going to mix this next week. 16 - 18 tracks in surround 5.1 and a few more for the double CD. Recordings are from Athens, Lyon, Brazil, Korea and Wacken.

"Leave for Sweden on Feb 4th to begin Pre Production on new ARCH ENEMY album, we then come back to UK on the 10th and spend 40 days in total on the album. I've heard rough rehearsal stuff and there's plenty of chugs and shredding, all in the right places.

"I'm still talking to EXODUS about their new album, though schedule wise we are still trying to work things out, also possibly mixing new NEVERMORE, this is also up in the air as the budget has some limitations due to it being the last with Century Media... We'll see what happens, it'd be nice to work with those guys again."
Loved the overall sound on The Gathering
but am otherwise not very familiar with
his work; anyone care to post a summary?
Then I can check his stuff out
in greater detail.

Thanks and stay heavy.