hehe !!! ... let's hope that this is not the case... cause we'll end up waiting a very looooong time
Lars, I have a suggestion: since you're having troube writing the tabs using whatever program you are using, i suggest you use Guitar Pro V4.1.0. Best program i've known... you can write everything on it in one file. i.e: guitars, bass, drums, and even keyboards and vocal lines if necessary
I've already written a good number of songs using this program, and i feel more than comfortable using it... if you end up using it and have any questions at all (about the program ofcourse), please don't hestitate to ask
....and yeah... please release full songs, and by that, i mean that Asgeir should pitch in and write the drums
... a special request from me: "Excessit" (full version).... pleeeeeeease :hotjump: