Updated Metal Gods Tour Dates


Photo Mistress
Looky looky! Here are some updated dates:


Friday April 25th - Chicago, IL - Confirmed
Saturday April 26th – Cleveland, OH - Confirmed
Sunday April 27th – Detroit, MI - Confirmed
Monday April 28th - Travel Day
Tuesday April 29th – Toronto, Canada – Confirmed
Wed April 30th – Travel Day
Thursday May 1st – Hartford, CT – Confirmed
Friday May 2nd – New York, NY – Confirmed
Saturday May 3rd – New York, NY – Confirmed
Sunday May 4th – Worcester, MA - Confirmed
Monday May 5th - Travel Day
Tuesday May 6th - Montreal, Canada - Confirmed
Wed May 7th – Travel Day
Thursday May 8th – Poughkeepsie, NY - Confirmed
Friday May 9th – Washington D.C. – Confirmed
Saturday May 10th – Long Island, NY – Confirmed
Sunday, May 11th - Philadelphia, PA - Confirmed
May 31st - Seattle, WA - Confirmed
June 6th - Hollywood, CA - Confirmed

Those are SOME of the dates as of now. As soon as there are more TOTALLY confirmed dates, I'll post them if you like.
whats up with all these shows setting dates at the last minute? im getting tired of this... i like to know in advance more than 4 days (like the last one). i know those florida dates will probably be announced the same day!! wouldnt suprise me at all....
Even more confirmed dates:

May 7th - Rochester, NY - Warter Street Music Hall
May 10th - Long Island, NY - The Vanderbuilt
May 26th - Atlanta, GA - Earthlink Live
May 21st - Orlando, FL - House of Blues
May 22nd - Tampa/St Petersburg, FL - Masquerade
May 23rd - New Orleans - House of Blues

The reason the shows are being booked "last minute" is that the whole TOUR was a last-minute type of tour. Most tours this size would've been put together a few months ago, whereas this one wasn't. They are also having a hard time in some areas to find a place that is NOT already booked but is big enough for the tour to play at. Yes, I agree, a bit goofy, but at least they're touring! It's raising hell on me since I STILL don't know when the San Francisco date is. I may end up flying to the east coast just to be able to see Primal Fear with the gigs since they will not be coming to CA at all. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
Here I am in Buffalo deciding whether I should go to Cleveland to see Testament or to Toronto to see Amon Amarth. (I mean, I saw Amon Amarth twice, but how many chances do we have left to see Testament?!?)
AxeOfDarkness said:
@Squeak- the ATLANTA date is the 16th not the 26th

DOH! So so sorry... I typed wrong. :ill: My eyes were going :hypno: with all the dates!!! My bad. I do apologize. Earthlink live is a cool place, but the photo pit is an absolute BITCH! Went there for ProgPower 2 in 2001.

@cinflames - HIYA CHICKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I don't fly out to the east coast for a couple Metal Gods dates, then I will definitely be at that show. Trying to go to Hollywood AND San Diego, even though it's mucho bucko's.

@North - Do you HAVE to choose between the two, or could you technically go to both?