Metal Gods tour info


Master of War
Feb 21, 2003
Well finally we have some more info about the tour, and a few dates.
There's an official website for the tour which should be up and running very soon at

Some dates:
Apr. 25 – Chicago, IL @ House of Blues, Chicago, IL
April 26 - Cleveland, OH @ TBA
May 04 - Worcester, MA @ TBA
May 11 - Philadelphia, PA @ Trocadero

I'm hoping to hit the MA and PA shows... and any in NJ or NY if I can too. This year is gonna be great, seeing Amon Amarth 4 or more times! And Immortal twice too! :flame: :rock:

I better remember to bring a clear pair of drawers to these shows...
More dates:

Apr. 25 - Chicago, IL @ House Of Blues
Apr. 26 - Cleveland, OH @ The Agora
Apr. 27 - Detroit, MI @ TBA
Apr. 29 - Columbus, OH @ TBA
Apr. 30 - Cincinnati, OH @ TBA
May 02 - New York, NY @ TBA
May 03 - New York, NY @ TBA
May 04 - Worcester, MA @ The Palladium
May 06 – Montreal, QUE @ Metropolis
May 07 – Toronto, ONT @ TBA
May 09 - Hartford, CT @ TBA
May 10 - Washington, DC @ TBA
May 11 - Philadelphia, PA @ Trocadero
May 13 - Raleigh, NC @ TBA
May 14 - Atlanta, GA @ TBA
May 16 - Ft. Lauderdale, FL @ TBA
May 17 - Tampa, FL @ TBA
May 18 - Orlando, FL @ TBA
May 20 - New Orleans, LA @ TBA
May 21 - Houston, TX @ TBA
May 23 - San Antonio, TX @ TBA
May 24 - Dallas, TX @ TBA
HA HA!!!!!! NO FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!! THERE PLAYING IN ORLANDO!!!!! WOOOOOOOOO! NOW I DONT HAVE TO DRIVE FOR 2HRS TO GET THERE!!!!! im probably gonna go to both anyway.... this is most excellent news!
Tomasz said:
I hope the tour will come to Florida, if not the Road Trip is coming.

ahaha, I have to make a road trip for every show. I think the closest venue that bands play at is around 4 to 5 hours away. Fucking sucks when you have no money for a hotel room and have to end up sleeping drunk in your car in the middle of a crime-ridden city like Cleveland. Too bad they're not playing at Ground Zero in SC. I could stay with family there...
Yeah man, the Florida dates fucking rule. Now I plan to go to each of them. However... I don't know that I can actually afford the cover. Does anyone know what it's gonna be? But It's not for another month, which means I can save up and spend it then. It'd be worth it.

Also, where did you get those dates? Are you sure they are valid? I couldn't find them. I'm so fucking happy right now. Just to think I get to see AA 4 times in the course of a month. Fucking amazing.

Patric, if you read this post, I think you need to come over to the states for a while man.
New Jersey sucks anyway.

Too bad the Troc has some of the worst sound for heavy bands ever. Both times I've seen Nile they sounded like balls. Napalm Death sounded like balls. Origin, Hate Eternal, Corpse - all balls.

Fuck the Troc.