Don't mis the best US tour of 2004

Well it was the worst fucking show ever, the Tampa venue sucked big time, all bands cancelled but Cannibal Corpse, right when the show was over who showed up the bus with Napalm, Macabre,.. they said bus broke down. What a fucking joke, I am so pissed off, freaking american metal organization my ass .... thought I'd give this show a try. Probably is the last show I ever attend in this country until AA comes back. Waste of money too, $18 was original price, all bands canceled and price dropped to $14. Good thing instead we had to suffer thru some local wannabe Pantera style band and a decent DM band.
thats right...and i drove accross the state to see that...talked to Shane Embury after the show, said the venue wouldnt let them play, apparently no one goes on after 11...lame.
good thing i decided not to go. was gonna go but didnt wanna go all the way out there just for napalm since they havent made a good album since harmony corruption. and i herd kataklysm dropped yesterday so i decided "fuck that". but if all teh bands drop on teh aa tour ill be sure go, fuck yeah. extended aa set \m/