Upgraded desktop, increased performance?


Aug 2, 2009
I finally got around to upgrading my dual core Athlon to a quad core AMD with 8 gigs of high speed ram and a SSD for the OS, everything else is SATA2. Now, I was mixing a project that had me maxed out in the performance meter in Nuendo. So I opened the same project on the new computer and now it's only around 3/4's or slightly less. I almost would have guessed I'd get a much better increase but am I mistaken? Granted, I don't really need THAT much more power but heck, we all like to see massive increases.
The amount of ram really only helps/benefits when you're using a buttload of sample vsti's (Superior Drums or anything in Kontakt or Omnisphere) that loads into ram, if a sound/patch uses 1,5gigs of ram and you load up a couple big ones and only have 4gigs, the system is going to struggle (and freeze/give errors or bsod in Windows when it's all used up), so the more ram the better.

With the cpu it depends on what software you're using, if you're software isn't multi-core aware, or like most, uses the cores like shit, and the single core performance of your new cpu isn't that much better than the old one then you might not notice a HUGE improvement.
My experience with Sonar is the point about the balancing across cores not being very good. So the problem is usually an overload on the first core (or whatever its called) with ample capacity remaining for the others.
My experience with Sonar is the point about the balancing across cores not being very good. So the problem is usually an overload on the first core (or whatever its called) with ample capacity remaining for the others.

My friend has the same issue with Logic as well. Shit is dumb.
I'll bet that the processor upgrade wasn't that much of an upgrade. What was your before/after processor? How do they stack up here: www.cpubenchmark.net ?

It's not really a surprise tbh, and if your version of Nuendo isn't utilizing all of the cores effectively, then it's really not a surprise. Check Windows Task Manager to see how your cores are being used.

However, I think to go from maxed out to 3/4 is fairly significant. I'd be happy. RAM and the other stuff don't improve the ASIO Meter usage unless your maxing out your VSTi's and samples.
Went from a 2.8 dual to a 3.4 quad. You're probably right though, a quarter better is probably pretty nice. Out of curiosity, I turned off the multi core option in Nuendo and everything spiked instantly, so that option is needed.

On that website the new one rates at 4,879 and the old one at 1646, while both those scores are way below anything newer (10,000+), my increase is plenty for my needs I'd say. That site is pretty nice!