Upgrading from 002. Could use suggestions.


Mar 22, 2011
Oneonta, NY
I'm getting ready to record an album and am looking to upgrade some gear. We'll be going into a studio to do the drums and have it mixed and mastered, but the guitars, bass, and hopefully vocals we'll do ourselves. I currently have a digi 002, and absolutely had the mic pre's. I had a Universal Audio solo 610 for a while, but sold it when bucks were tight. I'm looking at investing in some decent pre's, maybe a compressor. I'd like to keep it under $2,500. It's not a metal record, but it's definitely fairly heavy. The vocalist sort of has a Chris Cornell thing going on and I'd really like to be able to really bring out the warmth in his voice, and do it well enough to have the studio have plenty to work with.

So I'm looking at either replacing the 002 all together, or adding pre's etc. Really going for warmth. The guitars will be done with an EVH, Triple Recto, and 6505 and will also be done at home. So whatever I get I'd like to work equally well on guitars, or buy a few different pre's to make it all work.
UA 610mkII for vocals, could use for bass as well, great pre and comp, $1600 new. Leaves about $900 for another preamp to use for guitar mic'ing. Just my .02.
I would go with what 006 said. There's a UA LA-610 used on guitar center for $800. You can get a SCA API clone with power supply and chassis for $600. And you can add more mic pres to that for pretty cheap.
I would 2nd the SCA set up as well. In fact, you can even just go all SCA, they have a compressor module now, you could get a Neve-style pre, an API-style pre and the compressor module, plus the chassis and power supply for less than $2k I believe.
I really appreciate the help guys. Any recommendations for a guitar mic pre that isn't DIY?

The $600 would be for the API clone assembled. And you can order any of the SCA pres assembled for about $100 more, which is still cheaper than buying the real thing.
I would 2nd the SCA set up as well. In fact, you can even just go all SCA, they have a compressor module now, you could get a Neve-style pre, an API-style pre and the compressor module, plus the chassis and power supply for less than $2k I believe.

Oh nice. Quality-wise is it comparable to the UA?
Yes, the SCA stuff is high-quality. The UA was just off the top of my head for something that will handle vocals/bass particularly well for a solid price. Nosgulstic just reminded me of SCA and then I remembered they have a compressor module now, so I would totally recommend going SCA for all your needs and for your budget, it's a no-brainer.