Upgrading out converters, opinions needed.


Sep 14, 2008
So, we're going through an upgrade at the end of the month, and we were originally looking at an SSL Alpha Link (possibly two), but lately I've been hearing great things about the MOTU 1224 and hearing some negativity about the SSL.

So, the question is this: Taking money out of the equation, which setup would you guys go with?

Looking to have a minimum of 24 I/O.

Edited cause I'm a jackass and was reading an article while typing this out and got confuzzled.
What negative things have you heard about the SSL??? I never heard of any except the GS ranting about you have to have a Lavry gold otherwise it doesn't count :D I like mine though! Sounds great, works great, multiple adat inputs etc, a really versatile unit.

I don't know if that is the case still but i heard that motu has had big problems with quality with their products, bad units breaking etc.
What negative things have you heard about the SSL??? I never heard of any except the GS ranting about you have to have a Lavry gold otherwise it doesn't count :D I like mine though! Sounds great, works great, multiple adat inputs etc, a really versatile unit.

I don't know if that is the case still but i heard that motu has had big problems with quality with their products, bad units breaking etc.

I occasionally work out of a huge production complex in Chicago, and the GM there relayed to me that while he loved the sound of the SSL's, he had encountered some issues with their reliability. Considering the clientele and the equipment that this place houses, I'm inclined to pay attention to what he says, haha.

I've heard this from a few other people, as well.

And yea.....GS.....:loco:
For what it's worth, I got a MOTU 24i/o and have never had a problem with it over... shit... 8 years. I just can't compare it to another multi-in/out converter because this is the only one I've owned