Upholstery 101 by greg massi


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
What you need:

(1) small roll of duct tape
(1) ratty old t-shirt that you don't wear anymore

How you do it:

1. Find the affected area of the furniture that is open and spewing forth pieces of stuffing.

2. Clear away all excess stuffing and place ratty old t-shirt into the hole to act as surrogate covering material to replace the covering which has torn.

3. Close the remaining pieces of ripped covering over the t-shirt to create an overlap effect and to get a nice and somewhat stable covering.

4. Take the duct tape and proceed to rip off lengthy pieces to close up the affected area and cover up the hole. Use as much of the roll as possible(I recommend using the whole roll) so that you have nice strips of tape both horizontal and vertical overlapping and intersecting in such a pattern as to emphasize stability in the tape to prevent it from falling off at a later point.

5. Clean up the rest of the stuffing from the chair.

6. Marvel at your ingenuity.

7. Post about it on UltimateMetal.com.
The Dope said:
I wonder what InnerGreg would have to say about this "innovation."

i personally love it. greg did a bang-up job. the only problem was the cat pee which mysteriously ended up on the cushion today.