Heavy Metal Memories by Greg Massi(NE Metalfest thread #2)


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
Ok gang here's the scoop.

The Prelude to Disaster aka THursday:

Went out drinking with some friends at a bar/arcade called Dave and Buster's. Decided to box a couple rounds on the boxing game where you put on 2 pound gloves and physically duck and move. This exhausts my arms and my legs but I only played it twice so my legs would heal I thought. WRONG. Then I played the Japanese dancing game with the buttons on the floor you dance on. I completely fucked my legs up and in a very gay fashion. I would like it noted however that while I got an F for my dancing skills on the metal song, I did get a B on the dance routine to "Bye, Bye Bye" by N'Sync. Thats metal proppa.

Metalfest weekend:

Let's simplify it in saying I met some cool people and I experienced the city of Worcester like I had never experienced it before.

It was awesome hanging out with everyone like azal and his girlfriend, kleo, BigFakeSmile, Lethe78, Nick Kyte, Eric from the Syndicate, and even the stoned guy on the floor who gave Josh and I cigarettes. Friday night was really cool in terms of bands. My personal favorite was Nevermore and even though the sound kind of sucked for the guitar tone I was headbanging and having a merry old time and thereby injured my neck. Also Opeth ruled and everything but by that point we were so tired that hearing 7 10-15 minute songs in a row really was draining. As the show ended Friday night, Josh and I planned on seeing what everyone else was up to so that we might get ourselves either a ride or a place to stay the night. However, our biggest fault was our lack of planning and when we realized everyone we knew was either gone or busy we were left stranded in Worcester, thereby creating...

Josh and Greg's Excellent Adventure

Up all night, save a few naps here and there at a bus stop and also at the Worcester train station. We also wandered the streets between 5-8AM. At this point we were so giddy from being over-tired that we decided to do some sightseeing while we were up and we managed to take a few pictures which I will be scanning at some point soon, including a photo of the "scene of the crime" azal.

Saturday at the fest I was energized by the nice weather and I bought a flowery Hawaiin shirt to give the illusion I was not in fact wearing the exact same clothes I wore the previous day. However, my night in worcester caught up to me and feeling on the verge of collapse I decided to leave early but not before seeing Strapping Young Lad who were great fun to watch. I also saw Iann Robinson and Rob Zombie just hanging around which was weird. The main problem was that due to my tiredness and sleep deprivation I began having extreme mood swings throughout the day and I was starting to ge delusional but I made it through till 8:15 when I got my train to Boston.

I slept for pretty much the entire train ride which I felt was an achievement considering the entire ride I had a kid in the seat directly behind me yelling at the top of his lungs every five minutes or so. While the nap was good it did not really make me feel rested and as a result I slipped into a state of absolute delirium which was still affecting me after 12 hours of sleep on Byron and Terran's couch(aka the first time I got to lay down in 2 days straight).

But now after a nice nap at home I am feeling almost back to normal and I have to say this was probably the best best metalfest I have been to in years! So thanks to everyone who came and hung out, it ruled!

ps. Chupe, Larry brought the cowboy hat.
p.p.s. Larry was only surrounded by fans when wearing the cowboy hat. Otherwise, he was the anonymous longhair.
Here's mine: in a series of short statements.


got to the venue around 6PM.
Fucking missed November's Doom.
Connecticut is AIDS.
Fucking lazy people, Rush hour traffic at 2PM?
Does anyone work here?

Kleo makes contact with me around 6:15.
He will not give his real name.
Meet Greg and Josh chilling.
Greg could pummel me.
Either Josh was stoned or he has perpetual stoner eyes like Jim Bruer.
Didn't find it polite to ask upon first conact.

BigFakeSmile looked insane.
She was wearing a mesh hat and a "We Like the Moon!" shirt.
Every other word from here mouth was "Swedes."

Notice that Kleo has a psychotic laugh that makes me nervous.

I watch greg, Josh and Kleo enjoy sausages in front of the venue as I feverishly chain smoke.

Had a few drinks.
Bud from plastic cups makes me want to stop drinking.
Uncovered that josh has sweet floor punch moves and awesome air guitar technique.

Drinking, listening to shit bands.

Greg is awfully polite.

Greg and Josh go all out air guitar frenzy for local heros Shadows Fall.

Josh disapears.

Greg and I go down to the front and rock out to Nevermore.

New songs sounded dope.
Warrel didn't wear his cowboy hat.
Rumor is he felt the presence of Larry and feared the competition.

I leave after waiting 25 minutes for Opeth to come on.

I remember the bag.
(see other post)


Get to the venue around 4PM.

See Greg.

Notice colorful Hawaiin shirt.

He lays the guilt trip down on me, but in a calm reassuring tone that sems to be his trademark.

Greg informs me of last night's goings-ons...the haikus created at Denny's and the online hazing that awaits me.

Also informs me that one GOATSCHOOL has sent several text messages saying "The Serb must die."

We go to my van to get Josh's bag.

Greg upons it up, sees a game boy inside, gives a laugh and realizes that in light of these findings, he may have to keep Josh's bag for several days.

I go rock out to Strapping Young Lad.

I go to eat.

I come back around 8.

Kleo says that Greg said "bye" and "sorry he didn't buy you a drink,"

I almost fall asleep in the bleachers waiting 3 hours for Meshuggah.

I go down more Meshuggah and rock out.

they owned the earth.

I picked up a motW poster.

I went back to the hotel.

All in all...fun time!!

great meeting you guys, wish "the bag incident" never happened and Josh hung out for the entire weekend.

Red pills = yum yum
Aimlessly wander around @ 4:00.
Make vendor stop. Have to empty swag into trunk. 5 minute task turns out to take 15 as I need to remove tree branches that fell on my car.
Stroll in late and find pair of dorks enjoying November's Doom set to an unnatural extent that bear resemblance to Yoda and Chewbacca (except "Chewie" is slightly balding and going grey.)
Witty mockery of bands and many introductions follow.
Get sausages. Watch Azal place bag in minivan. Shrug and figure it will lead to much comedy later.
Catch some decent bands and many that suck. Meet ann the drunken round insurance sales person. Accept shot of cough syrup with dandruff in it. Opt to cut out.

Discover that I need to acquaint myself with area parking better as overpriced space = tree branch + large screw that penetrates tire.
Remain home until @ 1:45 until I can swipe car keys and drive down listening to class of 68 marathon on 103.3.
Remember bugging Devin Townsend and Gene Hoglan to deliver messages before the pain and disorientation kicked in. Remember SYL set. Used guy as elbow rest and elbowed other fellow in head. Don't remember the rest, outside the free poster raid.

It was better than my last fest. Sure, I bought the tickets that time, but the source of my ride and lodging didn't like the fact that there were loud noises in the venue and I missed basically every good band playing except The Year of Our Lord. In comparison, being in intense pain and breaking my car every 2-3 days that week was nice.


p.s. Sorry dudes but the non-music highlight of the fest was coming home to find my cat waiting for me on my bed to snuggle and be petted.

p.p.s. in keeping with the fine tradition, I no longer have a car as the braking system needs work. (Which I was assured it didn't Thursday)
these are amazing.
and DS still has those motW posters? those are like 2-3 yrs old, aren't they? I've got a few of those, and put one up in the ND practice space next to the GIANT my dying bride poster of larry's. they look funny next to each other- the motW poster being the size of 2 pieces of notebook paper and the mdb one is like 8 feet tall or something.
chupe666 said:
DS still has those motW posters?

After the two dudes from their booth packed up, they left behind a stack of the posters. I'm not sure if they came back for 'em or not. It was temtping to swipe em all but I had no place to store em.

FuSoYa said:
hehehe, i wonder what that means!
not much- they ordered so many, i've seen them leave a stack behind at every fest- milwaukee last yr for instance. he had more of the motW ones than the brave ones, but left some of each after they packed up. i think we even took over his booth after he left to sell ND discs! SQUATTERS HAVE RIGHTS TOO.

(also toby- package is in the mail)